Wyandotte mix? What am I?


8 Years
Oct 26, 2011

I have had this hen for a few weeks. The gentleman I bought her from sold me 6 hens and this was the only one of her kind. He called her a Wyandotte. However I have another post asking about the blue color in her comb and face which is a concern to me. I had one person comment that she is not a Wyandotte because they should have a rose comb. Any thought on what she is and wether I should be concerned about the blue in her comb and face?
wyadottes do sometimes show up with single combs...breeders use single comb birds to help increase fertility of rose combed birds. To me, it just kindof looks like she has some dark pigmentation on her face/comb. Is she laying eggs? What color are they?

Can you get us a better picture of her body (Try to include her legs, and all of her tail)? She does look quite round and plump, but I don't know of any wyandottes in that color...she is definately a very cool looking bird though.
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She has been laying a brown speckled egg. Right now I get about 2 of these a week and she is the only one I suspect would be laying it. I have had Wyandottes in the past lay a speckled eggs. I will get a better picture of her whole body. My main concern was the blue on her comb, face and ears. I am hoping it is not a sign of anything. Are there any breeds with this color naturally on the comb and face.
I don't see anything about her to suggest wyandotte. If her legs are whitish, then I'd agree with silver sussex!
I would be concerned about the blue in her comb and wattles, yes. It can be a sign that they're not receiving enough oxygen (respiratory illness). Is she puffed up, lethargic, sneezing? Do you notice anything abnormal in her behavior at all?

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