Wyandotte, pullet or cockerel?


10 Years
Oct 20, 2009
Ok, let's try this one; Silver Laced Wyandotte, 5-6 weeks old. Whatchya think?

Dang. I might feel bad about that, but this is a really unpleasant bird.
Oh that made me laugh.... There is no question! Cockerel!

Mine can be a punk sometimes, but he is a scardy-cat too.... So go figure!

Good luck!
It's a boy.

Our's ran from the moment we opened the box. We call him Hi-Ho Silver. He was staring down chicks 2 months older than he was at 2 weeks, would not back down. Even got brave enough to chest bump a few of them. LOL He is a hoot.

Today he is a beautiful 9 1/2 month old roo that is still a bit rough on the ladies, but is a great watch roo, generous with scouting out food, and has never approached us in a threatening way. We have several of his offspring, although none of them have lived up to his speed.

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