Wyandotte sexing question

Firefighter Chick

8 Years
May 8, 2011
Southeast Minnesota
Ok, so I had you all sex my chicks a couple of months ago. I still have lingering doubt on one, the wyandotte. His/her comb developed early then didn't get much bigger. While my EE cockerels are big, struttin their stuff, and have pointy saddle feathers, this one does not. no crowing from anyone as of yet. Is it really a boy?

I sure hope there are some wyandotte people on here that could help. Im about maxed out on roos. Also this I
Was supposed to be a blrw or a blrw/ee mix. Turned out like a glw. Thanks for your guesses
@ 4months, looks like my SLW's at that age both girls, both of mine got their combs and wattles at about 7 or 8 weeks and turned red early on, if you've not heard a crow, pretty safe bet it's a girl, nothing looks like a roo to me.
Definite girl. If she were a he... He'd look more like this.

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