Wyandotte with very crooked neck


12 Years
Sep 12, 2007
Collinsville, MS
One of golden laced Wyandottes suddenly seems to have a crooked neck.
At a quick glance it looks as though her crop is massive. I have had a good look at her and her neck seems to be of to the side making it look as though it bulging.
She seems to be fine and is eating and drinking okay but looks very uncomfortable.
Any ideas? Thank you.
If she is still eating and drinking, she is probably okay. I know a couple of our hens walk around here looking like they've just left an all you can eat buffet line....

On your pictures, are you sure you have a SLW? I ask because your chick looks exactly like our Columbian Wyandotte did as a youngster.
I am sure she is a silver laced wyandotte, we had two. The one in the photo, Lacey Joan sadly died about a month ago. She was a beautiful bird with lots of the silver coulouring in her head and chest especially.
My Golden with the strange neck is eating and getting around fine but I am concerned about her neck, it is all twisted and she can't seem to reach it out like the others do.
Sorry about your hen! Its awful to lose one...

Keep an eye on your GLW, but if she's not showing any signs of pain or discomfort, she is probably fine.

Do you supply grit? Our flock forages our 2 acre farmyard, so you'd think they'd get plenty of grit in their foraging, but they still occasionally eat the grit in the barn.

I think takes about 12 hours for food to process through the crop, proventriculus and gizzard...
is the neck itself crooked?
or is the crop big?
check the crop in the morning before she eats and see if has emptied.

is she actually eating? or just pecking, appearing to eat?

could she have an air sac injury?

here is a pic of a chick with air sac injury:

click here
separate in a stress free environment (any stress will worsen the crookneck symptom)
do not feed any scratch and stop all feed temporarily (24 hours) and use massage (gently so as not to initiate regurgitation) to break and move the contents of the crop through.
the crook neck symptom could be due to any number of things ...this applies equally to the slow crop.
You can give polyvisol enfamil formulation three drops in beak once a day for a week and also give vit E (preferably the human gel tab one that is a combination with selenium>make sure the selenium content does NOT exceed 50 MICROgrams) the vit E/selenium can be given by p r i c king open the tab with a pin and squeezing out the contents > give one per day three times and see if these measures have helped in the meantime taking care that this bird drinks sufficiently to prevent dehydration.

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