Wyandottes!!! Why are they sooo hard to sex??

well...my chicks have matured - 4 are crowing and 2 I'm awaiting their first eggs. I got 5 more birds that were supposed to be girls....think I'm batting like the Braves....I have guessed I have 2 girls and 3 boys. What does anyone else think? I have a chance to send any guys to Disneyland tomorrow a.m. and think this might be my best option....ie. Disneyland is "the cone"..."the ax"....etc....

Look at the two birds to the right with the RED combs/wattles...

one of the "newer" birds...roo??? These should all be 11 1/2 weeks.
Here are some of my first flock - now 14 1/2 weeks old - trying to decide which rooster to keep....don't think any of my birds are breeding stock, but advice appreciated. I really just wanted eggs, but this is getting addictive.
the last picture is them under a blue tarp covering which makes their white so bluish....

and had to add the fiesty picture....these two - Big Boy and Little Peep (the runt) were let out to free roam and had to strut their stuff - no harm was done but the runt has NEVER backed down and was always the one to try anything before the others. I'm struggling between which one to keep....Big Boy is the calmest and allows more petting - but Little Peep has got an attitude that is simply infectious.
Here's Little Peep (the runt)...he has more white than rest and always has been lighter.... the bird to the right is the largest hence Big Boy name....which to keep????

and I think this picture is comical...
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