Wyoming Chicken Lover!

Yes Ayda.....that sounds great...the elders would love silkies.let's look forward to a Wyoming Swap upcoming spring, chicks & eggs......maybe meet at a Central location or even trust the USPS.....looking forward to it...
Your gonna have to get Silkies!!! LOL I love them and they would be perfect for the elderly. They are so soft!!
I will be hatching a few and will see about getting some eggs or chicks to you guys!
I have one full silkie and I love it....can't tell yet if it is boy or girl...leaning towards boy. It sure is cute though. Then I have a shizzle that I love too, but it is for sure a roo. I would love a few silkie hens in my flock just for their brooding tendencies. :)
Yes Ayda.....that sounds great...the elders would love silkies.let's look forward to a Wyoming Swap upcoming spring, chicks & eggs......maybe meet at a Central location or even trust the USPS.....looking forward to it...
I would love to do an egg swap, but I think I would do some serious talking with USPS first..depending on where you are at now in WY it is my understanding that mail goes to SLC, Billings or Denver and then back into Wyoming. So I really don't want to risk that. I am in Casper and have driven to Idaho to pick up eggs...so I am willing to drive just about anywhere to meet up with someone else!! I know I wont drop kick the boxes either!!! :)
Hi, I’m new at this, so I’ll probably make several mistakes communicating to you. I am trying to find out what a fair price would be for the guineas and chickens I lost due to the neighbors dogs showing up while I was gone. Her dogs killed 15 of them. I had a pair of mated guineas that was 3 years old and 5 of their babies that was 10 weeks old (one of the babies was silvery blue the rest were dark). The dogs killed them all except one adult. They also killed one Rhode Island Red laying hen, two Brahmas roosters and six Brahmas laying hens around 2 to 3 years old. Some I raised and some were show chickens from the last few fairs. Hope you can help me out.
So I'm 16 and my parents want me to plan for my future. I want to move to Wyoming right now I'm thinking Sheridan. Anyone live there? What's it like? Can you see the mountains? Weather? People? I'm going to go to school as a veterinarian and hopefully own a small ranch, right now I'm in WI not a fan of the winter but ill get over it
As someone who moved from WI to southeastern Wyoming, there is a good chance you will enjoy it. I haven't been to Sheridan, but grew up in Crivitz, WI and lived in Eau Claire for 10 years, so I think I can give you some comparisons.

The summers will be cooler and drier - less rain and lower humidity. May is the wet month with average precipition of 2.5 inches for the month. I have killed a total of 8 mosquitoes since moving here, since it is so dry, there isn't alot of bugs. Only 14 inches of rain per year compared to 32 inches per year where you live. The winters down here in southern Wyoming are warmer and less snowy. What snow we do have is usually blown into snow drifts or gone to Nebraska within two days. I know Sheridan has more snow and less wind than here, but I believe it will be less snow and much more wind than you are used to in Wisconsin. The summers are alot shorter, fall and spring are longer also. The higher elevations will have much more snow than you are used to. In the snowey mountains over here, at elevations above 9000 feet, they can have over 10 feet of snow on the ground by spring.
There will be alot less trees and green, alot more rocks and dry land; think brown, dead pasture with not much grass. The pine trees look scraggly and kinda pale green, not full and bright green. More sage in color than the green crayon color.
Wyoming has a beauty all its own. So different than Wisconsin, but still beautiful. I find it breathtaking and serene. The people overall are very friendly and helpful.
The reservoirs are snow-melt cold, so not really any swimming holes or beaches like you would find around Hudson.
There are alot fewer people and alot more distance between anything.

If you are serious about college - stay in Wisconsin. The higher education system there is so much more than what is available here. Move here after you have your degree. You will be welcomed with open arms.

I hope I didn't come off as negative, I love it here in Wyoming and don't know if I would be able to adjust to life in Wisconsin again.
Thanks! I'm still deciding even if I hate WI mostly cause I've lived here my whole life it's difficult thinking about leaving it. I'm a country girl and I think Wyoming sounds perfect!
I found a great small family hatchery http://www.sandhillpreservation.com with very rare breeds and was wondering if anyone else in Wyoming would love to share an order of chicks with me since I'm not really in the need of 25 new Chickens..and that is the minimum limit...please contact me through PM or even post it on this thread..
Silkielover5: Sheridan is gorgious....pretty wealthy too....they would love to have a new young vetenarian..btw what breed of rooster is your beautiful avatar picture?

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