Wyoming Gal


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2022
I am a new chicken tender and have 8 chicks at the moment - 4 Rainbow and 4 Rhode Island Reds. I am looking for some quail and chuckers too but only found chickens for eggs. If anyone out in Central Wyo area has some adult Quail or Chuckers, please let me know. I need a few to work with two older German Shorthair Pointers. Unfortunately my hutch is too small for the number of chicks I bought, but they are only 6 days old or so and I am wondering if all will survive to adulthood. Right now they are in a heated garage, with a heatlamp and plenty of food and water. They are housed in a kiddie pool right now. I will be working on extending the living area of my small coop this summer so I have enough room if they all survive.

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