

In the Brooder
May 24, 2019
Has anyone had experience with chickens having xylitol? I have some oatmeal left over that was sweetened with Truvia.
Will it hurt them to eat it?
Has anyone had experience with chickens having xylitol? I have some oatmeal left over that was sweetened with Truvia.
Will it hurt them to eat it?

I’m certainly no expert, but from what I’ve read about artificial sweeteners, I wouldn’t test it.
Xylitol hasn’t been tested much in birds, but it’s very bad for dogs. So it’s a risk, in my opinion, that shouldn’t be taken.
Here's a link to an article about xylitol with broiler chicks:
You may need a dictionary to sort out what they're saying, but the bottom line seems to indicate that a one time dosage was beneficial for broiler chicks. I agree with sloanbychoice that it's LETHAL to dogs. The long term effects on humans (and chickens) has yet to be determined.

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