YAhoo but now what


10 Years
Jun 23, 2009
Ok checked my last remaining egg that the broody left for her other chicks and its peeping YAHOO - somehow I didnt kill it in the bator .
So is it possible to put this little baby when it hatches in with the week and a half old chicks and mama or do i need to keep it separate? ( I was thinking of doing it after a day or until it at least gets all dry and fluffy and walking about.)
I dont know what to do if it has to be separate lol.
we had one egg just sitting in the bator for a week and i opened it today fully grown chick inside but it had died. BOOHOO. But I am hoping this little chick pulls through
My kids are sooo excited. ok and so am I
I hatched one egg in the incubator that was left when momma left the nest with her 3 chicks. It was 5-7 days younger than the others. It is doing fine.
I would try lifting mommas wing and tucking the chick under at night. This usually works and the hen generally will accept the other chick(s).

If you have the chick to raise alone it will need a heat lamp for up to 6 weeks reducing the temperature in the box by 5 degrees weekly starting at 95 (So better to get momma to accept the chick if possible)

Good Luck,
if baby is out of egg tonight i will try to sneak it in with mama - and try not to get attacked by the rooster in the process lol
Thanks for you help - egg is piped right now sooo exciting and of course i have to go to work. boooooo

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