ya'll...please help...my chicks r 21wks old and still aren't accepted


12 Years
Jan 22, 2008
i put the chicks in at 16-18wks old with my 7-8lb aurecana and a 12-13lb dark brahma. the last time i put the chicks in at 16-17wks this happened:


they r now between 21-22wks old and darn near full grown. i put 2 of them (the 2 that weren't injured) into the run when the other chickens went inside,closed the door so the big 1's couldnt get out. i pulled the rooster out(a black-tailed japanese bantam) and put him in the run with the girls and they got really scared, went into the corner and laid there...wouldnt move, unless getting plucked in the head...if that . i understand this kind of behavior happens when a female wants to mate, but they were genually scared. it was the same thing they did when the hens were pickin on them. what should i do? its really too much for me to handle them in separate cages with 3 water bottles, 3 feeders, and putting everything into different cages. when the one in the pics got hurt, i had to separate her from the other chicks b/c they kept on picking at her wound...its really 2 much. i have 3 min-pins, a 7yr old, fish, my fiancee, plus my job and the chicks. its no big deal for me to come home and feed the girls in the coop, whether it be 3 or 6 foul, but doing all of them separately is quickly becoming a problem after so many months. i thought i would be able to introduce them at 16 wks or so, but what happened has gotten me worried. i dont want the older hens to hurt them like they did the other other one. should i cut my losses, put them in the coop at night, and just let nature take its course? or should i give the hens to some1 else? i love them and dont want to get rid of them, as ive taken care of and got accustomed to my girls...please help if u can.
love yall,
Try putting them in at night after everyone is roosted and it's dark. By morning they will think they were always there. Check fairly early just to be sure
I put mine in a holding cage inside the coop for a week. That way the big girls can see them. Then after a week I go in around 10 pm with the lights off. I take each new girl and sit her on the roost. In the morning the big girls are out and about and the new girls usually hang close to the coop. Then in about a week they have worked out the new pecking order. But my run is really big so they have a lot of room to get away from each other.
Poison Ivy has the right idea. You cannot just put new birds in with birds that have been there a while. They may kill them. You should ease into it by putting them in a cage inside the coop or next to the coop so they have constant exposure but are still safe. I do this for a week and then I let them roost with everyone at night but lock them up for during the day for a few more days. This way, they all get used to each other. Good luck.
good idea! i did try putting them into the coop at night...all that did was resulted in the pic i posted...i did try putting them beside the coop for a week b4, but it still happened...but i like the idea of putting them on the roost and then taking them out in the morning.

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