Yay! Cutie Pies first egg adventure in pictures!

Maverick Farms

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 25, 2012
This is Cutie Pie, I not sure but believe she is a Red sex link, about 24 weeks old. This is Quick Feet! (named so because the Roo can not catch her to pin her down) She is very interested in what is going on. Congrats on your very first egg Cutie Pie! Quick Feet takes a closer look. Cutie Pies 1st egg next to Hawks 9th egg. Quick Feet pecked at Cutie Pies egg , it did not break but I don't know if she would have kept doing it had I not been there. As far as I know she never bothered Hawks eggs. Should I be worried she will destroy eggs? She has not laid one yet.
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It was curious to me that she has not once gone up there and checked out Hawk while she is laying her eggs. Also she and Cutie Pie have been squaring off for top hen which at the present Cutie Pie is hanging on to that position.....Wondering if that could be why she was so interested.

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