YAY!!! I got my first egg today (UPDATE with pics)


11 Years
Jan 3, 2010
I got home from work today to find a surprise. one of my girls left me a perfect little egg.

its a beautiful shade of light brown. the best part is that it was even in the nest box!!! i'm so proud of her.
my chickens got to free range today and she went all the way back to the coop to leave her little surprise. i just wish i knew exactly who it was. i'll be keeping a very close eye on them untill i find out lol. i'm guessing it was Oreo(barred rock) or Ruby(production red). both of them have been letting the roo mount them and are getting really red in their combs/wattles. one of my EE's also looks about ready. her comb went from non-existant 2 weeks ago to big and red but she still wants nothing to do with the roo and isn't squatting yet.
im hoping there are more eggs to come in the near future. here are a couple pics of todays egg. i put it on the couch cushion for the pics. i'm so happy...maybe now my DH will stop bugging me about the chickens being "free loaders"


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I will never forget the day I got my first egg! Well actually I don't remember the date but the day. LOL!
Non chicken people will never no what a great feeling it is to get that first egg.
I rate it a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10!!
Congrats and good luck finding out who is laying. I am still trying to figure it out with mine. I have a crazy one that
just drops them all over the place and none of them will use the nest box. Go figure!?!?!?!

thanks, and i'm not im not 100% sure on their exact age. i rescued them from a bad situation. with the help of the forum we decided they were 11-12 weeks old give or take when i rescued them so that would make them about 23-24 weeks old now. its amazing how much they have filled out and matured in the last 3 weeks or so.

haha yea, i have the next couple days off so i'm going to be on egg watch and hope the culprit lays again and i can catch her in the act. i think i'm gonna need a lawn chair cause i'm gonna be spending a lot of my day sitting and watching the chickens lol.
UPDATE: i figured out who is laying. its one of the barred rocks, Oreo. i more or less camped out at the coop all day
and caught her in the act with egg #3. she has layed an egg a day since she started. we got #13 today. every single one was laid in the nest box. i'm so proud of her.

tonight we celebrated our 13th egg by making steak and cheese omeletts with hash browns for dinner. the yolks were all much closer to orange than yellow. its a nice change from the pale store bought eggs. i also confirmed that the eggs were all fertile.
YAY!! that means the roo is getting the job done and i can hatch chicks later on.

now i'm just waiting for the other girls to join in and start laying. they can't be too far behind.

well here are some pics for you guys.

a pic of all the eggs. i m keeping them in an old egg carton from store bought eggs. i wish their real color would show up but it keeps washing out. they are a very pretty terra-cotta color.

here is a pic of her latest egg next to an extra large store bought egg for size comparison. this pic is pretty close to the actual color..but the eggs are a little bit brighter and darker(if that even makes sense lol)in person

and here is Oreo. i snapped a couple quick pics of her when they were all out free ranging today.


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