Yay, its soo cute. 1st chick pics.


12 Years
Feb 14, 2011
Southern Colorado

Hatching. It had its first pip early this morning. Nothing until I came back from afternoon mass and it was breaking out, I touched it and it started trying to get out more and it only took a few minuites. I was worried what the broody would do. She saw that it had hatched and wouldn't get back on so I took the chick and put her in a brooder in my shower. I went and checked in again and she was back on the eggs. I am going to let the baby get a little bigger inside and then I will try to put them out as a family. I might take the next chicks that hatch and watch the broody. Has anyone ever done this before and then had the broody be a good mom, she isn't very agressive, she lets me stick my hands under her and everything. Some of my hens peck at me, not her. Anyway, so exited, enjoy the pics.


Husband with chick and chick on the table. A little over an hour after hatching. So cute!
That is so cute, how did you get to see the pip, does the mom get off? I have one sitting and she is overdue. just want to know what I am looking for.
Yeah, the broody gets off a couple times a day, its the weekend and I put them in during the weekend. I've been checking up on the eggs. I was just lucky, I went to reach under her and the first one I got was the one with the pip. I put it up to my ear and peeping, then I yelled at my husband to come look. He was amaised that it acctually worked. He wanted me to help it out but I told him no. He texted me a couple times to see if anything had happened. He thinks its so funny that I am on here, hes been calling me the chicken lady( we live on a farm so he acctually likes that I am into them). It was our first time, both the broody and me, 1 out of 8 so at least we have one. It is a leghorn cross(white egg, only have 2 leghorn ladies), no idea who the dad is. Had four roosters, killed two a couple of months ago and I have read that they will stay fertile for awhile, but we will see.

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