yellow chicks

I have a yellow chick from TSC to, i bought 6 EasterEggers there... The yellow chick is fluffy but no beard or fluffy around the head like a normal EE. Its fully yellow and its a week old today, its got a darker yellow on the back of its neck with white wing feathers.
Could be a Light Sussex. ( or another breed colored like my avatar) They are the locus eWh (Wheaten). Several of mine were yellow and had a slightly darker tint of yellow on the back of their necks. Yes, white wings as chicks.
Karen ( tho I woold be surprised to see them at TSC.)
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Guess what kychickguy I also bought my chicks from Tractor Supply and check this out. This lone yellow chick was in with the EE so I took it not knowing what it was, I thought it would be interesting to figure out what breed "it" is. I also got 2 Red stars, 2 Black Stars, 2 BA, and 5 EE, but this yellow chick with the orange beak and greenish legs came out of the EE bin. Can't wait to find out what it is... Good luck

Guess what kychickguy I also bought my chicks from Tractor Supply and check this out. This lone yellow chick was in with the EE so I took it not knowing what it was, I thought it would be interesting to figure out what breed "it" is. I also got 2 Red stars, 2 Black Stars, 2 BA, and 5 EE, but this yellow chick with the orange beak and greenish legs came out of the EE bin. Can't wait to find out what it is... Good luck

It might be an EE. I have a solid white one that looked just like that as a chick. The green legs point to it being an EE.
OK you guys, it's been 5 months now... Can someone post a photo of the yellow EE? I have one that came out of the EE bin at a Ma and Pa Hardware Store. It's supposed to be a pullet but I'd love to know what it may look like as an adult

Adult white EE

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