Yellow crust on neck?


Feb 8, 2016
Delta junction, Alaska

I just noticed this. A few days ago I was treating her for a large cut on her neck(the purple spot) She seems fine otherwise. I sniffed it, not weird smells. I was kinda hoping she just sat in a bad spot and got pooped on. I planned to sell some of my chickens, I don't want to sell diseased chickens.
Here are pictures I took this evening.

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My chickens has this too, on her comb, on her cheeks and a large patch on her leg. Its making her limp. I have searched and can't seem to find a match on this yellow crusty stuff. Help, wingedshad, did antibiotic ointment help?
I'm trying to remember if I put anything on it or not. My brother suggested that my hen was trying to escape a roo or bigger hen and tried to squeeze through a cinder block. So since there was no other obvious cause I think I decided to let it ride. Buffy is fine now and I didn't see this on any of the others.

Please feel free to hijack this thread and post pictures of your hen and any other observations.

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