yellow foamy poop


Crossing the Road
9 Years
Dec 29, 2014
I find yellow sometimes foamy poop 1 or 2 times per day. chickens have been wormed with levamisole and a month later with mebendazole. they are 3+ months old. it seems only 1 or 2 chickens have poop like this. is it cecal poop or I should be concerned?

I will get some more later. this pic is before worming them but I still find them. the night poops are never like that, I find them outside in the run only. the poop I see in their coop is normal. my chickens sleep in the coop and spend all day in their run.
Howdy chickengr

I do not claim to be an expert on chicken poop and even if I was, not sure I would advertise it

I have two trusty poop charts that I use and on both of those, it looks to me to be in the caecal category. However, I am sure others more experienced will chime in if I am wrong:

Howdy chickengr

I do not claim to be an expert on chicken poop and even if I was, not sure I would advertise it

I have two trusty poop charts that I use and on both of those, it looks to me to be in the caecal category. However, I am sure others more experienced will chime in if I am wrong:


thank you.

the foamy one looks like the cecal poop in the chart. I found one like worm pic (foamy and light in colour) a day or two after worming them. I will keep checking it, maybe it needs time to kill all the worms.
That's a good point about not finding caecal droppings under the roost. Do chickens not empty those tubes out at night?
That's a good point about not finding caecal droppings under the roost. Do chickens not empty those tubes out at night?

I find mountains of poop as they are about 3 mo and I feed them well. I am a bit concerned because last year I got my first chickens at this time of the year and they were 3-4 mo and not really ready for the winter. I lost 2 of them about the new year. Now I panic all the time although I have better coops this year (3 of them) and 3 groups of chickens of different ages. 4th is coming: 1 NN chick just hatched, still waiting for 9 other eggs. but those will be with the broody.
The feed store I go to had three young birds die with poop like the one below. I took all three to UC Davis for necropsy and the cause of death was severe coccidiosis.

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