Yellow poop feathers

David veino

Jun 10, 2023
My small young bird and it winter time she dropping yellow poop and losing not tons but some neck feather is she okay
Pictures or videos might be helpful here. How old is your bird? Is she showing any symptoms other than the yellow poop and the loss of feathers?

Some things to look for are weight and body condition of the bird, comb and face color, how the bird is breathing, how their face in general looks (eyes, nostrils, inside the mouth, etc), and whether or not they are showing any sign of parasites anywhere. Behavior changes can hint at the problem, as well. Checking the abdomen and vent for signs of swelling or any other symptoms is useful, especially if the bird is a hen and of laying age but even if not.
Pictures or videos might be helpful here. How old is your bird? Is she showing any symptoms other than the yellow poop and the loss of feathers?

Some things to look for are weight and body condition of the bird, comb and face color, how the bird is breathing, how their face in general looks (eyes, nostrils, inside the mouth, etc), and whether or not they are showing any sign of parasites anywhere. Behavior changes can hint at the problem, as well. Checking the abdomen and vent for signs of swelling or any other symptoms is useful, especially if the bird is a hen and of laying age but even if not.
She was born in summer so not many weeks old and she a hard one to catch and help she very active she runs slots and she just very cookcoo and just very active and her but seems fine I look around for a pitcure of her poop could not find it anymore she seems fine still worried and her water has eltrolikes
She was born in summer so not many weeks old and she a hard one to catch and help she very active she runs slots and she just very cookcoo and just very active and her but seems fine I look around for a pitcure of her poop could not find it anymore she seems fine still worried and her water has eltrolikes
Also doesn’t really have comb yet

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