Yellow/Watery Poop in 3 y.o. Hen


In the Brooder
Nov 24, 2021
Hello Fellow Flockers! I have a 3y.o. RIR that up until approx one-two months ago was consistently laying very large healthy eggs. She is one of our sneaky hens who seems to always escape our yard to rummage in the neighbors garden. She and her escape companion both showed symptoms of illness post an early evening adventure out. Sadly the companion did not make it. Since then my RIR has been lethargic, at one point throwing up. I took her to the vet where they could not provide me any solid answers- could be cancer, could be parasites, suggested I drive her 3+ hours to a university with an ag. department that can look into it further. Took her home, isolated her, and held feed though provided apple cider vinegar water and coconut oil. She seems to bounce back. Let her back with flock only to find her super lethargic with a very squishy crop and very thin. Once again isolated her and once again let her back out. This has been going on for the past month. Currently she is with the flock. She is drinking water. I see her forge a little and have witnessed her eat dried soldier fly here and there and some kale. Though these are great signs her crop is still huge, she walks around like a zombie, and her poops are alarmingly strange. Her 'poop' is mostly water with pale yellow (pics enclosed). Anybody have any idea what I can do for her or what is going on? Thank you in advance for reading and your thoughts.
What is her diet?
It could be a reproductive issue causing a whole system back up.
Layering feed crumbles. We do have a duck so there is all flock pellets as well, been there her whole life. Dried black fly larva and kale for treats.
Layering feed crumbles. We do have a duck so there is all flock pellets as well, been there her whole life. Dried black fly larva and kale for treats.
Kale isn't good for chicken though I don't think that's your problem.
Can you feel between her legs for any swelling/squishiness?
Kale isn't good for chicken though I don't think that's your problem.
Can you feel between her legs for any swelling/squishiness?
Kale isn't good for chickens? I was not aware, in fact read the opposite. I palpated between her legs, her left side seems larger/squishier. I checked another hen to compare but she too was a little squishy. Not sure what it's supposed to feel like to really know.
Kale isn't good for chickens? I was not aware, in fact read the opposite. I palpated between her legs, her left side seems larger/squishier. I checked another hen to compare but she too was a little squishy. Not sure what it's supposed to feel like to really know.
Kale and spinach contain calcium blockers (oxalates), it's fine in small amounts, once a week but too much blocks the bodies ability to absorb calcium, which causes laying issues.
Is she standing funny?
I would treat her for a crop disorder. See the article below by azygous. Crop disorders can happen with a reproductive disorder infection or ascites (water belly.) The yellow material in her dropping is usually seen with reproductive infections or with liver disease and water belly. Is her lower belly between her legs enlarged?
Kale and spinach contain calcium blockers (oxalates), it's fine in small amounts, once a week but too much blocks the bodies ability to absorb calcium, which causes laying issues.
Is she standing funny?
Ah, I see about the Kale. Thanks! Standing funny, she's definitely puckered up and, yeah, perhaps standing lop sided a bit. She mostly lays around these days. Any thoughts on vent gleet? There is yellow (in pics) discharge but no foul smell.
I would treat her for a crop disorder. See the article below by azygous. Crop disorders can happen with a reproductive disorder infection or ascites (water belly.) The yellow material in her dropping is usually seen with reproductive infections or with liver disease and water belly. Is her lower belly between her legs enlarged?
Thank you, Eggcessive. I was hoping to hear from you. My own research prior to posting, I saw a lot of your comments. Solid advise you're giving. Between her legs does not appear to be too enlarged, though, with that said, I'm not sure what defines 'enlarged'. I did check another hen and they seemed about the same.
Hens with water belly usually have very prominent lower belly’s. Their droppings may have yellow urates and can get caught under the vent since they don’t always clear the edge of the vent. A reproductive infection can also cause the yellow in the dropping. It can lead to coelomitis/egg yolk peritonitis. Many of these hens will live awhile and usually like to stay in the flock with the others. As long as they eat and drink, and don’t have too much trouble with their crops emptying, they may live a decent life. But those ailments may eventually end their lives.

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