Yellowing in waddle


5 Years
Nov 18, 2014
I have noticed a few times when I have been looking at my chickens that they have a yellowish tint on there waddles. It looked almost looks like powder but doesn't rub off. I keep the coop clean they have plenty of room and free range. I wish I had a picture to post with my question. It's not on the entire waddle and I haven't noticed it on the combs. It's usually closer near its feathers and will cover a small noticeable section of the waddle. I have tried to research it but haven't seen anything like it.
Following this. My rooster has something similar that I discovered this morning, it wasn't there yesterday. His is a very small spot on the bottom of his waddle. It's a pale yellow almost light tannish in color. Definitely not hard or a scab. He acts perfectly fine too.
If it isn't canker or fowl pox it could possibly be a vitamin A deficiency. I saw in the web that yellow spots can appear on chickens wattles who need more Vitamin a.
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They seem fine dont seem sick or anything. I just noticed it was on the waddle about the size of a dime not really big but i did notic it a little near the soft tissue near the waddle and ear.. Vit A deficiency i will have to look into. But they act and eat fine :-/

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