Yellowish/White Crust Around The Ears And Base Of The Feathers Around The Head.


8 Years
Apr 21, 2011
My Japanese Bantam Roo (1.5 years old) has a yellowish/ slightly white crusty build up around and in his ears (both ears) which cause the ear cavity to block up. I clean them with water and ear wax remover a bunch of times. It helps for a bit then it crusts up again. I've just noticed the feathers around his neck/head are starting to crust up too with the same yellowish/ slightly white crust. This is new, he's never had this before. The crust is attaching to the base of the feathers around his head. I can use my finger nail and scratch the crust off. It doesn't bleed or seem to cause him and pain when i do this. The crust has a slightly bad smell to it. (not to bad of smell but not that nice either). He's had this all his life. I just gave his a bug bath yesterday to kill off any bugs he may have. I use a parasite killing powder in the water when i bath them. Could this be a parasite issue or is it something else? Is there anything I could put in his ears and on his feathers that might help this? This might be related so I'll mention it. Twice since he's been alive he's had problems where he can hold his head up and it falls forward to the ground and it's almost like he's gone into a trance. I'm pretty sure it was a Vitamin E deficiency so I fed him Vit E everyday for around 5-7 days and he got better. Not to sure if the Vit E helped him or he just go better by himself. Could this (not being able to hold his head up) be caused from the ear problems? Probably not but I thought I would mention it. He seems really healthy/happy otherwise. Crows a lot, eats a lot, drinks a lot, jumps the girls often. He does shake his head often. Any help would be greatly appreciated. He's a great little roo and want to try and fix his ear/skin problem. Thanks
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There are 3 possibilties that it could be; ear mites, bacterial infection, or a respiratory issue. I suspect the latter due to the neck feathers around his head/neck being encrusted as you mentioned. The smell could be caused by coryza or MG, maybe infectious bronchitis, only bloodwork or necropsy would tell. The crustiness could be mucous coming from his eyes or nostrils, possibly his ears when he shakes his head...another indicator of respiratory disease. If it's verified that it's a respiratory disease, I recommend you cull him.
If it's mites, you can use an eyedropper to put a few drops of vegetable oil in each ear to suffocate them.
For a bacterial infection; snuggly wrap the rooster in a towel to keep him immobile and lay him on his side. Use a Q-tip to clean his ear as best as you can. You might have to remove some of the cotton on the tip so it can fit into the ear canal. Very gently remove goop and debris, you can wet the tip of the Q-tip with water to help clear/clean the ear canal as well. DONT stick the Q-tip in the ear canal too deep, use tweezers and gently remove chunks as necessary, dont stick the tweezers in too deep neither. Next, use an eyedropperful of hydrogen peroxide and flush the ear canal. It will bubble up quite abit, that is normal. Then use Q-tips to gently swab the liquid, gently clean and dry the inside of the ear canal as best as you can. Next, use neosporin or triple antibiotic ointment and put it at the opening of the ear canal and squeeze the tube letting the ear fill up until it overflows just abit. Leave the ear filled with the ointment, you are done with that ear. Then flip the bird over and repeat this process on the other ear. If it's a bacterial infection, this procedure will clear it up. If the goop or mucous returns, definitely a respiratory problem.
Thanks for your response. It was really informative. I'm pretty sure it's not a respiratory problem. I've had chickens with respiratory problems and he doesn't have any of those symptoms. His nose is dry, eyes are normal not watery, the crusty build up is not runny or running down his neck and no coughing. Maybe I'll take a photo tomorrow. The crust on his upper neck/head is only around the base of the feathers almost look like a yellowish/white bead. The skin itself is fine. I have a feeling it might be mites. I'll try the ear mite treatment and see if it comes back. I noticed one of his girls has the same problems but only in one ear. She doesn't have the crust build-up on her neck only right at the ear opening. It almost resembles ear wax but not really waxy. I'll try what you recommended and see if it fixes the problem. If I find out it's a respiratory problems I'll cull him right away. Thanks again
I have a little hen with exactly the same crusts you've described. All of my chickens have been scratching their heads like mad and are undergoing a scaly leg treatment, but only one has actual crusts on her face. Have you seen any improvements or did you ever figure out what was wrong?
I have a little hen with exactly the same crusts you've described. All of my chickens have been scratching their heads like mad and are undergoing a scaly leg treatment, but only one has actual crusts on her face. Have you seen any improvements or did you ever figure out what was wrong?

Sad to say he didn't make it. I tried everything to help him and it just got worse and worse and then he started getting very weak. The actual crust was only from the base of his neck to the top of his head (his ears seemed crusty too). I bathed him with warm water to try and get some of the crust off. A lot came off but it seemed to come back again. I tried specialized shampoos just in case it was a bug but it didn't fix him. I tried medication didn't do anything. One thing to note is his legs were normal no scales. It's still a mystery what it was. Hopefully you have better luck than me. Good luck!!!!
If you're interested, I'll let you know how things progress...
I have treated her with Ivermectin as well as a couple of other birds who have 'face crusties', some of which seem to be going into the ear holes. No one is acting very ill so far.
If you're interested, I'll let you know how things progress...
I have treated her with Ivermectin as well as a couple of other birds who have 'face crusties', some of which seem to be going into the ear holes. No one is acting very ill so far.

That's great. I hope they get better.

I think you should bath them and try and remove some of the crust. My roo lived quite a long time with this condition. Like I said in my previous post he just got worse and died. (slowly). He probably lived with this for months. I did find slight improvment when i bathed him and removed some of the crust but it just kept coming back. I'm glad you're having luck with Ivermectin. Keep me posted and let me know how it goes.
My Olive Egger started losing feathers above & to the side of vent. She is not being bullied. Seems content. None of the other 6 hens have that problem. Now I am noticing some scalyness behind ear. If it's mites, shouldn't the other hens have the same problem?
My Olive Egger started losing feathers above & to the side of vent. She is not being bullied. Seems content. None of the other 6 hens have that problem. Now I am noticing some scalyness behind ear. If it's mites, shouldn't the other hens have the same problem?
Welcome To BYC
Can you post some photos?

If it's mites, your other hens may not have the same problem at this time - they may dust bath more or even have a stronger immune system - who knows - in some flocks you can have several birds with an infestation while others don't have any bugs on them at all.

How old is your OE - is she molting by any chance?

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