YES!! Girls are here and have moved into new coop.....FINALLY (pixs)


10 Years
Jan 6, 2010
After too long of dealing with a coop build through a nasty NC winter I brought my 17 week old pullets home today and happily put them in the their new home. The coop isn't done by any means but is very cozy and homey for my girls. Without being to descriptive in comparison to where they were raised.... they are now at the Ritz. They immediatly spent the first few hours taking dust bath after dust bath in the shavings (with DE). they got very comfortable quickly and enjoyed a little scrath thrown into the litter to dig for. 1 Barred Rock (shy) 2 Buuf Orp's, 2 BSL's (bigger than the rest I think one may be the alpha, a little early though) 3 Black Australorp's. All birds came from the same bator they are all sisters in my mind.



Thanks, after I let them chill out for a few hours, I opened the coop door and parked myself in a chair right at the opening. I watched them in amazement and happiness and awe...soaking in the funny glory they bring and added a bit of final satisfaction that my coop build finally got to this big point in time. My wife brought me a glass of wine down the hill, sat on my lap and said..well are you done now....heck no honey
No doubt on the cable cancellation, I'm not a TV watcher but my wife is so were good there. My son helped me paint cut/paint and nail in all the trim today, the coop looks for the run.
the birds were kept in a coop that was one straight level, no raised roost. Last night they spent their first night huddled together in a corner. today my son and I took lots of breaks parked in front of the coop door watching the girls interact with each other and their new digs. They get up on the poop board below the roost but have yet to go the extra step to the big 2x4 in the sky. It's so funny when the first one gets up on the board...the rest look up " like hey how'd you get up there, I want up there to. The high bird looks down " like hey you stupid fools, i'm up here...hahahahaha.
All have gotten up but one BA and the BR, they are to busy digging in the litter.
After dark you should pick them up and place them on the roost. If they haven't had the luxury before or don't realize you have provided such a lofty spot for them they aren't going to go on their own. Just put them up there and they'll get the hang of it. You may have to put them up a couple of nights in a row, but they should get the hint after that.

Now get out there and put your girls to bed! That poop board will really cut down on the mess in the coop!
I also had to do what tipsydog said. Mine were a bit slow to learn, I had to do it 2-3 times per night (they kept hopping down) for about 5 days. It was worth the trouble.

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