Yes or No. 250 red watt heat lamp.


12 Years
Feb 28, 2010
Dillsboro, IN
40 degrees during day and 30 degree at night with temps climbing in the later part of the week. If I place the heat lamp in a Waring 2 X 3 coop with attached draft panels and bed the old nesting box then tarp it after sundown do you believe the heat will be enough??? 3 feathered banties (big bird feathers in) I feel bad for the birds because they are in a large dog box in my kitchen. hope to hear replies soon.
Anytime you use a heat lamp you must always be prepared to make minor adjustments, like ventilation and to much or too little heat, it's pretty easy to watch for the common sign's that the birds are to cold they pile together to keep warm, this can be dangerous to the young ones as some get squashed. Too hot and they fan out on the fringes of the heat source, just offer ventilation or if possible raise or lower it's hieght above the birds. If it is in an enclosed area that is small and 2X3 is small is that even a coop or a box ?, I would get a 125 watt bulb for versatility, also be sure to have a protective shield over the bulb, those banty's are flighty and startle easily and can fly into the bulb breaking it and then you real have a problem. With a little common sense thinking and some minor watchfulness you should be fine.

These 3 birds are 5 weeks old. The brooder lamp has a shield. I am going to give it a try and watch them closely for a few minutes. Thank you for your fast reply Al.
I currently have 4 3 week-old peeps in what amounts to a 3x3 rabbit hutch with solid sides and floor and straw on the floor. It is in the barn so out of the wind and weather but temps in there are about what you describe or perhaps a little colder. I have a 250w red bulb 18" or so above them and they're doing fine. They can get closer to the heat or away from it as necessary. The temperature somewhat out of the heat varies from below 70 to 80 or so. Directly under the light I'm sure it's above 100 but there's plenty of ventilation so the temp hutch wide doesn't get very high. Just make sure you don't get your brooder so tight you cook 'em. HTH Regards, Woody

Edit to add: Actually the lamp may be a little higher. I think we raised it a couple inches earlier in the week.
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Good deal, just don't fuss over them too much at 5 wks their feathers should be coming in very well and will need to get acclimated to the outside, so some day trips outside on nice day's really helps. I have seen over caring folks kill many a good bird duck's mostly because they think their cold when in essence they need the cold to develop their down feathers, and the warmth hindered their doing that so when they finally went outside they were history. Now I know this isn't like your situation but the more self reliant they become the better off they will be and stronger healthier to boot. Good luck

3 birds, 5 weeks old, in a 2' x 3' coop, day temps in the 50s, night temps in the 30s - am I getting that right?

You have a bedded nest, draft panels attached to the coop and plan to tarp it? I personally wouldn't add any heat at all, but if I did it would be minimal. A 250 watt heat lamp could not only create a sauna, it could set the whole thing on fire. The chicks will snuggle together for warmth.

Something to consider- a red, 100 watt outdoor flood light instead, I found them at Ace hardware. Much safer than the heat lamps.
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I have the lamp going in my 6' x 6' pen. Over one roost and it can be adjusted up or down as needed. The two chicks in there are 2 mos old, fully feathered but the air has been chilly at night so I leave it up to them. There is another roost in opposite corner. They have been using the light as the night progresses and it feels chilly. One night the hose froze again. I have been on ewe watch for lambing so I have bundled up and taken many late night trips to the barn. They are using the lamp so it stays on at night and tuned off during the day.




Going to load the bottom tray for extra warmth..........
Ok, so I wont add the tray on the bottom. they seem to enjoy it. Thanks for all the replies, I really appreciate all the input.
Please let me know what you think of my set up so far. If the heat lamp/brooder lamp is too hot for 20 degree at night I will switch it out for a lesser watt tomorrow.
Again, thank you.

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