Hi Hi to you as well RoboDuck! You seem just Ducky tonight! I on the other hand have insomnia due to chick worry. Oh the first world issues of those new to chickens as a small hobby. (Silly me still believes we will stay small.... the silly land lord does too! LOL He did say I could have chickens....) Really though, if this chick dies tonight and we want a flock of 6.... do I try and find a 2 week old chick to add to the other 5 or will the reject a new comer?
If I keep talking to people that just pop in and then pop back out, people are going to thing I have imaginary online friends. :(

I don't think that is it at all! LOL I think most of us are just reading back posts trying to catch up. This forum moves fast!
I doubt at that age they're going to do much rejecting. I think the biggest thing is accidental injury. They grow fast and a 2 or 3 week old chick is going to be much more active than a 1 or 2 day old. If I was going to add new chicks, I would get the same age just so they can hold their own or if I got younger ones, keep them separate until their physical abilities match those of the current residents.
No, I was up and down all night checking on the babies. Started the coffee at 3am. At 1am German Shepard went off, let him out, what a good oppossum killer. Sorry to those that like them in advance..........
No, I was up and down all night checking on the babies. Started the coffee at 3am. At 1am German Shepard went off, let him out, what a good oppossum killer. Sorry to those that like them in advance..........
Awesome!! Nope. There was a flattened one right at the top of my driveway Monday morning.. I did a little dance in the drivers seat. ;)

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