Has anyone noticed a change in poo since it's been so hot? My chickens aren't acting sick, but being a newbie I worry when poo looks off. Then reading about the vast levels of normal poo , on the forum thread it's hard to know if something is wrong without other symptoms.

I noticed more runny/squishy yellowish poo lately. Not foamy just caramel colored vs the standard brown. Even sometimes I will see them just squirt out clear liquid with a little poo in it. Again no other symptoms. Any thoughts from the veterans???
This is GREAT news! If you have time can you post a pic? What breed is Cinnamon? I have a hen named Cinnamon too but I have no idea her breed.
Cinnamon is an EE. I'll see if I can get a pic when I spray her in a few minutes
The first pic is upside down, but you can see the scab peeling around the edges and new skin is underneath. Her skin is peeling everywhere due to the feathers coming in.
Is this party open for everyone? I have just under 6300 feet of fence to put up. Shouldn't take us long if everyone here comes to help and brings a couple hundred feet of hog wire and a couple dozen posts. I'll even spring for the beer when we're done...
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Just realized the first pic didn't upload, here it is
I see the new feathers! This is great! I would love to see her face too. Is she laying or did the stress keep her from laying? I will try to get a picture of our Cinnamon posted. Maybe someone know what breed she is, but I believe our's is a mutt. LOL! She lays a tiny almost round light pink egg.
I see the new feathers! This is great! I would love to see her face too. Is she laying or did the stress keep her from laying? I will try to get a picture of our Cinnamon posted. Maybe someone know what breed she is, but I believe our's is a mutt. LOL! She lays a tiny almost round light pink egg.
She is not laying. She layer 1 egg the day after it happened, but I think her body was just already making it. My other EE, actually my only other chicken, Sugar is not laying much either right now. I've gotten I think 3-4 eggs from her in the past 2 weeks. My avatar is Cinnamon and Sugar, Cinnamon has a brown neck and Sugar a white. I'll try to get a better picture of her face later.
She is not laying. She layer 1 egg the day after it happened, but I think her body was just already making it. My other EE, actually my only other chicken, Sugar is not laying much either right now. I've gotten I think 3-4 eggs from her in the past 2 weeks. My avatar is Cinnamon and Sugar, Cinnamon has a brown neck and Sugar a white. I'll try to get a better picture of her face later.
I love their coloring and the way their feather pattern is looks similar to our Cinnamon's. Maybe when she gets a little more feathers she will start laying again.

This is our Cinnamon and I have no clue as to her breed. She is a big girl. Her feet are gold/black/gray just like her feathers but they look almost green on this picture.
I love their coloring and the way their feather pattern is looks similar to our Cinnamon's. Maybe when she gets a little more feathers she will start laying again. This is our Cinnamon and I have no clue as to her breed. She is a big girl. Her feet are gold/black/gray just like her feathers but they look almost green on this picture.
She's very pretty. Looks like a GLW mix. Her rump feathers resemble a golden to me

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