Knocking out a couple more today but I'm not sure when. Then as weather permits, I'll be digging in pretty hard this week. I want all of the chickens that we're keeping back in the big pen. Dang predators are getting pretty ridiculous. The owls have backed off but the hawks, opossums, and racoons are preparing for winter. lol
I heard owls this afternoon around 4:30 pm. Thought they should be asleep? My chickens live confined but react to the call of hawks, but made no notice of the owl calls. Shouldn't they?
Hahaha! Cleaning out drawers. I found this menu from a restaurant my husband and I owned back in 1977. Look at those prices! The restaurant was named "The Lettuce Patch" and we sold salads and sandwiches.

Anyone near Savannah have any green or blue (or any color besides white, cream or tan) eggs for sale or trade? Or know where I can get some? I don't know where anything is down here. LoL

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