Congrats, Papa!!

Robo.. I thought the SAME THING about the poor auctioned babies on my way home tonight.. I'm sure they're fine. I think.

I hope...

Well have taken Katie's advice and have now tried to a new approach with the rooster. After I just about knocked his head off, after he flogged me three times, two of which were blindside. I have now taken the approach when he ruffles his feather or looks like he wants to flog me, I grab the net and catch him and pick him up and walk around the property with him. He actually seems to like and enjoy this and does not fight me and then when he goes back into the coop, he can't try to scamper when I put him down, if he does I hold him longer. So now just starting this practice will see if this approach works and if he will start to settle down. Thanks all for the advice and will see how it works in time.

I have been doing that too but to no avail. So I tried something different. ...I took a piece of string about 10 inche's long and tied it between his legs above his spurs...now he can walk and jump to rooster but he can't flog me because his legs can't spread out wide enough..so when he sees me coming he his in the coop because he has a permanent fixture of my torture on. :lau

I used a tried and true method that ensured our barred rock never flogged GAMjr again....

Hahahah!!!! This is going to be the next step soon. Lol!!!

Hi yall! Im new to the group so im not sure this works but my sister is looking for a tom turkey. Shes in the tallapoosa area but would travel if she could find one. Any info on where to look would be greatly appreciated. Yall have a nice day.

Welcome to the group. I am IN Savannah GA. I know some who raises turkeys here but I think it might be too far away!...:(

So, as the story goes.. As soon as interest in chicks begins to perk up a bit, egg production has nearly halted..


Once I get the legbars set up for breeding, I think I want to get some BOs, BRs, and SSs (Speckled Sussex) . Whats everyone's take on the SSs? I know the other two are generally good birds. Has anyone had trouble with the SSs being picked on or anything?

I love my Speckled Sussex They are the youngest in my coop (lots of younger in separate grow up areas, but not in with the flock yet).
Mine are about 4 months now I guess, and follow me EVERYWHERE. Incredibly friendly.

In other news, we are still trying to get the darn 12' x 20' coop moved from Kennesaw to Cartersville.
The moving truck got stuck, and the area STILL isn't 100% dry, after 3 rainless weeks.
Hubby talked to the building movers, and he is going to drag the building to the edge of the driveway for them to pickup.

Yes, that means moving the 96 cinder blocks that hold it up, to get it to ground level, then rolling it on round fenceposts.
But he is confident he can do that.
yesterday was part 1, today we will take both trucks for part 2.

I just want the building!!!
the new girls made it home! they have their own section of the coop and run for a few days, then we'll let them all get to know each other  

thanks so much Kat for picking them up, and thank you so much Kingheman for my new girls!  :D    happy happy!  :weee  

So glad they made it home easy. Was great to meet Katsdar, looking forward to meeting you in the future.
I tried to pick out the ones that weren't molting yet, so you could get some eggs, but stress might send them there anyway.
Before I go on craigslist, is anyone interested in a purebred Swedish Flower rooster? Nice guy, but now that I have hatched some Lavender Ameraucanas, I am thinking I want to go with the blue egg genes than the brown ones (white egg shell base) PM me if you are. Thanks.
Papa, I love you, but that was just Lame! LOL
you only think it's lame because you're a girl. I expected as much.

for the record, I'm probably the ONLY male, and one of the FEW people period that can tell you Barbies full name WITHOUT having to google it. I was raised with all sisters and had all daughters. I also know a real woman with Barbies figure would have severe back problems.

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