I'm a little surprised that the GDA ban isn't being applied to the selling of chicks at feed stores. Why is the GDA being so overly cautious when it comes to GA poultry swaps, auctions, and shows, yet the GDA is allowing chick sales at feed stores? It seems like an inconsistent policy. Can someone explain this to me? Curious minds what to know...lol
Cartersville....I done already said it once but as usual you ignore me until you need me.
Oh that's just because
I'm a little surprised that the GDA ban isn't being applied to the selling of chicks at feed stores. Why is the GDA being so overly cautious when it comes to GA poultry swaps, auctions, and shows, yet the GDA is allowing chick sales at feed stores? It seems like an inconsistent policy. Can someone explain this to me? Curious minds what to know...lol
don't give them any ideas they have not thought that far.

I picked up feed at my local store and the Ag dept I guess it was had dropped off lots of papers to hand out for chicken feed customers. Have yet to sit down and glance at them..

I set some eggs on Sat. for the HAL, and 2 eggs were double yolkers we will see what happens

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