I think I am going to put a hold on more birds until Marie takes the GL & WC Blue Polish babies off of my hands----soon!! I am super excited about your Lavender Orp project and will definitely want a pullet! The Choc/Cuckoo babies will hatch 6/23, so I'm excited to get those birds to you.

I was doing so well with chicken math until the picnic when you & Lisa got me on the slippery slope!! There is something about the FBCM that remind me of Lisa---maybe it's sweet with a shrewd eye!? :love Also, when was the crele Orp hatched? I'm wondering how old she is. Mrs. Patmore has become Ava's favorite--no question!!

It is dumping rain here today which stinks since we've made so much coop progress & I had intended to do more work here on it. :( I guess I could sketch out some landscaping plans for around the perimeter of it...
Liv, are you still interested in me getting a chocolate/cukoo pullet from you??
If I've got one after @brucifer gets his! Sure! You can pop some corn and see what happens as we hatch 6/23. Up for consideration are 5 Choc/Cuckoo eggs, 3 Isbars, 3 Cream Legbars & 11 White Polish :)
Please let Missy have first pick, or I could grow them out until the sex is determined, and Missy can choose a pullet then. However you want to handle it is fine with me.

We were looking at some Red Cuckoo Orp chicks this weekend, and it was all we could do to not get them. We simply don't have the grow-out room for them right now; otherwise, they would be here. I have seven large juvi pens, and they're all full! We also have seven brooders, and they're full as well. :lol:
So far we've dodged the rain today, although I did get caught outside by a rainstorm while working on a project late yesterday afternoon. I'm mostly cooking today and just otherwise chilling.

How many birds in hand do you have now?

As a breed, I really enjoy FBCM, so I'll gladly take that as a compliment to Lisa. :lau Lots of times when our FBCM are free ranging, I'll come outside with treats such as air-popped popcorn or grapes. They run up and all at once want their fair share now as well as what they can steal from each other. However, one of the FBCM boys, Skeeter, is not like the others. He likes to stand behind me and honk like a goose for his treats. It's too funny! They all have great idiosyncrasies and personalities, but I guess I'm partial. lol

Mrs. Patmore, was hatched 4/15. I'm happy that Ava likes her. Oh, and I'm sorry that Lisa and I contributed to you falling off the wagon (not really...lol) with regard to hatching and raising more chicks. We are bad enablers in that way. They may have a Chicks Anonymous chapter in the Macon area, but the bad news is that the success rate of the treatment program is next to nil. :hmm They tell you that when you wake up each morning that the first thing that you need to do is to write 20 times, "I will NOT yield to the uncontrollable urge to acquire more chickens today." Sadly, it never works. :old

Hope your day goes well!
I have 17---it's not the number that I have a problem with--it's that the proper coop that will house plenty more is not complete. I do not feel like I'd be a responsible flock keeper if I added more into the mix with what I consider to be temporary housing. Between the constant rains, burglary and breakneck work pace we just haven't finished and as frustrated as I am about it, I just have to draw the line for the time being.

Chicks Anonymous here is only successful for those who truly want to change. Sometimes you just have to hit rock bottom before you can rise. :lau

DH thinks I should send everyone a bottle of this!
Sorry for the duplicate reply! Was trying to reply on the cell phone while we were driving thru the mountains and it said I was disconnected. It must have gone thru anyway!
Please let Missy have first pick, or I could grow them out until the sex is determined, and Missy can choose a pullet then. However you want to handle it is fine with me.

We were looking at some Red Cuckoo Orp chicks this weekend, and it was all we could do to not get them. We simply don't have the grow-out room for them right now; otherwise, they would be here. I have seven large juvi pens, and they're all full! We also have seven brooders, and they're full as well. :lol:
Bruce, you are the sweetest! That would be awesome! Cause you know I want a hen!

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