I hope GAM has some leftover valium from her last dental procedure. She is a freakin basket case. We came really close to losing the mare today and she's not totally out of the woods yet. We finally brought them home to put in our pasture and it's a good thing we did. GAM was able to catch Indi's distress and called the vet. She pulled some more afterbirth stuff out of her. The vet came out and flushed her out and gave her all kinds of shots, including serious antibiotics. Had we not brought her home, this issue wouldn't have been caught and she most likely would have died overnight. Let's just hope she pulls through because I'm not sure GAM can take another loss.
Robo and Gam- yall are quite the couple to pull together and get er done when stuff happens! I hope things turn around for yall. Every farmer/homesteader needs to pay attention to their stock so that they know what is normal and what is not for particular animals. Watching the animals isn't really taking a break at all!;-)
Well, the horse is doing better but the frustration continues. The hatching eggs we ordered from papabrooder for the silkie/frizzle/sizzle to replace GAMjr's lost hen are lost in nowhere land. The tracking has not been updated since 6:37 on the 3rd. Customer service is a joke and their 2day priority mail has 5 days to get to you before they care. The eggs will all most likely be dead if they ever arrive. It's too late to get them now before Monday.
Thanks for all the kind thoughts. GAM has not been on here much due to taking care of everything but she appreciates the sentiments, too. I am actually glad to be at work right now so I can have a break...lol.

On another note, within minutes of my last post, the local post office called and let GAM know our eggs arrived. Right after I got off the phone they arrived (after closing time) and they stayed late to let her pick them up. Hopefully they will be ok. But tracking shows they went straight from receiving facility to local post office with no updates in between.
Guess what. My broody started back laying today!! I was so glad. And now she is back hanging out with her old flock while her babies are hanging with the juveniles. So neat to see how they just finally strike out on their own. :)

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