One more baby out overnight, leaving three eggs. The BLRW which has extended its pip a little (just a little), and then the other BLRW and one EEx. Nothing from those two yet.

So I've weighed my worries (yes, I have enough that I have to do that), and decided to leave them all be for today. I decided I'm more worried about a power outage than a surge in the bator, and that in the case OF an outage, the babies would be warmer longer in the bator than in the brooder. Plus if the bulb went out in the brooder I feel certain the older chicks would another these to death.


Yes. This is what I have to live with. :/
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I finished my big coop yesterday! At least, well enough to move the chicks into it last night.
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Crazy morning! Went down to check on chicks. Mamma had the two babies eating in the corner and I got a look at the hatching eggs! Most of them had pips, but they were really cold! I could hear them inside the eggs. There was also one other fully feathered dry chick there. It was dead. I know when hens hatch eggs they have to decide when to leave unhatched eggs to take care of the ones they hatched. These first chicks are now 3 days old, so I imagine she choose to take care of them. I grabbed the remaining eggs and poked holes in the area where they were pipping! Alive! Except for one. Of those 9 remaining eggs under her, two were not fertile (or early deaths), one died in the shell and the dead chick we found under her. Soooo, I have 5 fighting for their lives! They are in the critical care unit here at Bear Ridge Lodge! But, they are chirping as they lay there getting warmer! And, one is from my Frizzled Naked Neck! Can you spot it?! LOL! Keep fingers crossed! It's really hard to keep them alive once you have to help them hatch. But, we will see!

It is.

I did buy new material for the legs and roof, but the floor and walls are all recycled.
Cool! I want to do something like that for our Gamefowl and EE group. I will have to show my husband the picture of your coop.
I drew this out the other night.

The thing in the left corner is a 4' x 8' fenced in box we have that I would like to make into a tractor.

Please put more pictures up if/when you can!

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