OH! @Flowerbh I nearly forgot to tell you that I noticed my next to smallest white Silkie chick that came from a pointed shaped egg bumping chest with another chick today. May be something to the shape of egg thing. Do you have any pointy eggs in the bator now?
Here are a few pics I took during construction. As you may see from the base, the pallets I got did not have slats on the side, but 9 big blocks of particle board holding on 3 runners on the bottom. For the walls, I pulled the runners and blocks off so I just had the top part, then nailed boards salvaged from other pallets/runners to the back side. Where a pallet was too short, I cut the needed length off of another pallet and extended to bards to meld ti all together. The result is a rather heavy wall about 2 inches thick at the slats. There are gaps near the top, about a handspan wide, that I left open for ventilation.

Flower is right in that I do still need to go over those gaps with hardware cloth. I'm not 100% done, but the chicks were getting far too big for the mini coop, so I made an executive decision to go ahead and move them, rather than wait until next weekend when I'll have free daylight hours again.

GAM- I know! Mine are so yours HAVE to be!

Flower- they are EE cross.. the ones I've been hatching. And yes, I'd love to see pics GAM so I can know what to expect :)

Well. Work comes early. Got my hatcher cleaned up and ready for this weekend.. Woot!
OH! @Flowerbh
 I nearly forgot to tell you that I noticed my next to smallest white Silkie chick that came from a pointed shaped egg bumping chest with another chick today. May be something to the shape of egg thing. Do you have any pointy eggs in the bator now? 

Look at your silkies comb. At the top where it goes into its feathers. Is it squared off or rounded? A male will have a squarish comb at that area. The females are rounded.
Looking at this again...How big are those pallets? And where did you get them? The pallets I find are about 4' x 4' and falling apart. Do you have anything between the slats? I wanna see more!

Agreed! Nice pallets.
Lost our favorite little guy to a pit bull attack. Can't wait to get some more LO; building fortress now.
OH NO! I am so sorry to hear that. I worry about that very thing happening to our chickens. We have a close neighbor with 4 pits and 1 shepard. A couple of them got off their chains in the past and got another neighbors chickens. I hope our fences will keep them out.

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