yes GA has bears, here's a trail cam picture of one on our hunting club last summer. This is in north western polk county: when I was scrolling through the pics that day off this camera, I called out "holy crap" and DW came over and thought I'd photo shopped it, but it's for real! I make sure when I go to the club now I carry the .45 and not just the 9mm :)
When we lived in NH, the bears were all over the place. They would come down into the outskirts of town, and eat off of people's bird feeders. Like, the people who lived right behind us. We were up in the mountains, and it always made me nervous getting that 2 a.m. Emergency call to head into the vet clinic. I never knew what was going to be in my driveway trying to leave, or on the roads heading in! I always wished I had something to carry, I know one of the on-call vets did at night. And when she goes hiking, still, up there.
Hi all, I have been lurking in the background for the last couple of months, I finally added the pictures of our new tractor and our chickens. Only 2, does that count? They have been here for 2 months and we have had so much fun seeing them grow and learning all about their personalities. Some of you may recall that dh was not looking forward to having chickens as much, but now he really likes them. :)
I am already working on an expansion for the run for them, it is now 5x5 and I am adding 4x5 with 3 doors, so I can move the 5x5 paddock style to give them access to fresh grass more often. One drawback of the tractor is that it is a bit too heavy to move everyday, we have been moving it once a week only.

I am hoping to add 2 more in the future, I hope it will be enough space for all of them.
Hi all, I have been lurking in the background for the last couple of months, I finally added the pictures of our new tractor and our chickens. Only 2, does that count? They have been here for 2 months and we have had so much fun seeing them grow and learning all about their personalities. Some of you may recall that dh was not looking forward to having chickens as much, but now he really likes them. :)
I am already working on an expansion for the run for them, it is now 5x5 and I am adding 4x5 with 3 doors, so I can move the 5x5 paddock style to give them access to fresh grass more often. One drawback of the tractor is that it is a bit too heavy to move everyday, we have been moving it once a week only.

I am hoping to add 2 more in the future, I hope it will be enough space for all of them.

I love silver laced birds! Your Wyandottes are lovely! Their pattern will get better and better as they get older, too!
Aaaannnnd... I feel like the lowest worst ever d-bag on the planet. Got home from AL tonight & husband informed me we lost another chick. I did some phonecalls with breeder and with vet friend. That is absolutely not worms in their poo. They were overheating cuz brooder temp was too high. Despite the thermometer telling me otherwise. I feel awful. I basically freaking cooked them to death on a slow roast. That's gonna be some awful karma. I feel like a total baby killer. :/
I am so sorry for you losing another little one as car said we all make mistakes during heat lamp stage I lost one during this time too on first night i got them
I understand how you feel.
Thank you, @Flowerbh . They have been changing feathers and getting more white, getting prettier in the last couple of months. It is so fun to see them change so much in such a short time.
Aaaannnnd... I feel like the lowest worst ever d-bag on the planet. Got home from AL tonight & husband informed me we lost another chick. I did some phonecalls with breeder and with vet friend. That is absolutely not worms in their poo. They were overheating cuz brooder temp was too high. Despite the thermometer telling me otherwise. I feel awful. I basically freaking cooked them to death on a slow roast. That's gonna be some awful karma. I feel like a total baby killer. :/

I am so sorry. What thermometer did you use? I use the fish take style brooder with the stick on thermometer you would use in an actual fish tank. I am not even sure what temp to keep it at so I usually keep it set around 90 on the hot side and 85 on the cool side.
What is a good price to sell my Slp, Glp, Blp day old chicks straight run? I am trying to get my business started but I am not sure. I was thinking 8 but I meed ideas esp if that too high.

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