Did you paint the inside of yours ? I really want to move the chicks in painting would put me back by a week between dry time and labor but if it really helps I will do it .
no I didn't paint the inside of mine. I really don't see a need to, if you're getting enough moisture inside the coop that could promote warpage or rot, you need to find and fix the leaks.....

it can help prevent pests though and make it easier to wipe down/keep clean
Hi all, I need some advice please. I have been reading on BYC on adding to my flock and I am so thorn now. It looks like it is so hard! So I have 2 SLW that are about 4 months old. I got them as 2 months old. I have a chicken tractor that has a 3x5 upstairs for roosting and food, water and a dust bath downstairs. It has an automated door, so they are safely kept at night. The run is 4x10. The whole setup is moveable, with 5x5 of the run set so I can rotate it to different locations as well. So the girls can have new grass to eat every few days and then I move everything once a week.

Now, I see the 2 SLW doing some chest run into once in a while, mostly when they are in the run chasing bugs. But I wonder if I really can add 2 more chickens? Is there enough space? Will they be happy?

The next question is how long will I have to keep the new chicks separate from the older chickens? So it seems a need a new chicken tractor to keep the chicks in until they are grown out? Could I add them when they are 2 months old or do I have to wait until they are 4 months old and big enough to defend themselves? I don't think I have enough space to keep them inside the tractor, but separated from the other hens.

DH is liking the chickens now and is ok with me raising the chicks ( which before he was not wanting), but think he will just about fall over if I have to build a new coop for that...

Thank you so much for any advice and ideas! I think I put pictures of my tractor in my signature, hopefully it worked out.
if you go by the standard 'general consensus' of 10 square feet outside per chicken, yours appears to be big enough to add 2 more. You will need to keep chicks separate from the bigger ones until they're pretty close to the same size so they can defend themselves. If you find some that are around the same age, I like to keep separate long enough for them to see each other for a couple of weeks, which also gives you time to make sure they are healthy and parasite free.

One thing you might could do, is have him build a temporary wall you could put in the run out of some 2x2 framing and chicken wire. Just divide it in half, they'll have enough room and be able to see each other. Not sure what you can do for them INSIDE, but it's summer and if you're not locking them up inside at night, it won't hurt them to stay outside, maybe cover part of the run to give them a place to get out of a rain. I bought some plastic fencing, zip tied it to some pvc pipe and use it to wall off part of my run. I also have 2 pop doors in and out, with the ability to wall off part of my coop as well to keep them all separate.

good luck and let us know what you decide to do! and PICS we love pics!
One thing you might could do, is have him build a temporary wall you could put in the run out of some 2x2 framing and chicken wire. Just divide it in half, they'll have enough room and be able to see each other. Not sure what you can do for them INSIDE, but it's summer and if you're not locking them up inside at night, it won't hurt them to stay outside, maybe cover part of the run to give them a place to get out of a rain. I bought some plastic fencing, zip tied it to some pvc pipe and use it to wall off part of my run. I also have 2 pop doors in and out, with the ability to wall off part of my coop as well to keep them all separate.
Thank you for the idea PapaChaz
and for the good info! I can easily make another pvc run to keep the new ones for a while and have them see each other and even connect during the day after a while, but I do have an automatic door that keeps the 2 SLW in the coop at night and lets them out in the morning. I don't know how safe just the pvc with the electric fence would be in keeping the chickens safe at night. The coop is fully enclosed in 1/4' hardware cloth, including the floor, so they are locked in tight for the night.

You got me thinking though, if I can make an easy and safe arrangement just out of pvc and the hardware cloth I already have, that could work. Now buying another automatic door... that won't fly
Yes we were still there. We left about 12. It was so hot! My girls were sweating so bad and my birds were all panting I had to get them home. I felt bad for them.

Katsdar thanks! My hubby came up with it. He is good with those things.
No, we didn't get any more chickens but my hubby bought a bug zapper. It was so hot, I couldn't take all that heat! I felt bad for all the chickens!
Yeah that's why we left only after being there for 2 hours. I couldn't take anymore and neither could my girls or the birds. Next time though I will have a canopy and ice packs for the waters and battery powered fans! LoL!!!!
Yeah that's why we left only after being there for 2 hours. I couldn't take anymore and neither could my girls or the birds. Next time though I will have a canopy and ice packs for the waters and battery powered fans! LoL!!!!

Did you sell anything? Yeah you definitely have to be Georgia heat prepared, lol!

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