Thought I would share a health issue I had with one of our EE (actually it's one we got from you, Flower, so she's young). A week ago today I noticed she had a swollen face, with a big lump by her ear. Ended up she had a dog tick hanging from the lump, and the lump was very bruised looking. Thinking it was an abscess, I hot packed it and lanced it, but no puss to be found! My stepdad was visiting, and he's a veterinarian, so he did some research. Turned out that Pepper needed to be treated with tetracycline. So he figure out the dosing I would need, since it was just one bird. Got the powdered tetracycline, mixed 2 tablespoons to a gallon, and have been giving that to Pepper for 6 days now. The lump and the swelling are totally gone. She isn't too happy being in our sunroom, but she's right next to the kids Lego table, so she's entertained.

Just thought I would post in case anyone else ever had this happen. When my stepdad was researching it ( he loves to do research, he's a respiratory vet at a Big 10 university), he found this happens in chickens. It's usually either an infection or a tumor. He has access to websites that I wouldn't, so I am really grateful he was here.

Here are pics of her. I could tell she was really sick, right away. Normal now, and eating and drinking with a vengeance!

So glad she is doing better! Is she laying yet?
Sarnold1 has very nice bantams, I have gotten several from her but I have gotten babies, don't know if she has older ones for sale, but very friendly healthy birds.

If that doesn't work contact t have gotten some really nice Nankin bantums from her and they are also very friendly birds. she has all ages,


Thanks, have tried contacting both, and will see if get any reply. Seems like bantam hens are hard to find, unless you start from chicks. Did not think it to be so difficult.
Apparently no bantam are available, either have to order 10 or more or have to either hatch eggs or get one younger then 6 weeks. Did not think getting a bantam @ 6 wk or older would be so difficult. Guess my serama and other bantam ain't going to have company or another one to snuggle with.
Hahahaha, my husband thinks I'm a freak as well. He pulled up in the drive this morning ( after taking the kids to school) to find me preening our roo. I may or may not have been crooning to Baymax, telling him how handsome he is.........

My husband just stared at me, shaking his head.

I will publicly admit I sit and talk to the rooster like he knows exactly what I'm saying, and I always tell him that he's the most handsome rooster on the street. I'll tell him "Show me how fancy your feathers are, Mr." He'll puff his chest out, flap his wings and stand on one foot. He's ridiculous.

But, my DH knew what he was getting himself into. He knew me and my friends are all a bunch of weirdos before we got married 16 years ago. So, he shouldn't be all that surprised.

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