So would everyone recomend getting EE's over Aracuanas or Americannas? I know the tuff and rumpless genes can cause issues
the tuft and rumpless genes are only in the Araucanas, not the AMERAUCANAS..... if you see someone selling Americanas, those are most likely easter eggers. Which are fine if all you want are colored eggs and not worry about the purebred.

Of course if you're looking to cross them to try to get other color layers, then you want a purebred to make sure you're passing that gene along. That's why I wanted a purebred ameraucana rooster to breed with my other hens, and of course breeding him with my AM hens will keep me in purebred AMs too
I have a beautiful white easter egger with bright green legs, and she lays a light tan egg.
. haven't had much luck. haha

Well.............we don't totally have a handle on these "Easter, Olive Eggers", do we? I guess that's the fun of the anticipation of; what color eggs will I get?
Well.............we don't totally have a handle on these "Easter, Olive Eggers", do we? I guess that's the fun of the anticipation of; what color eggs will I get?
I'm going through this anticipation right now, I have a pullet that's an AM rooster over a black australorp hen. Could lay a brown egg, or any shade bluish/green. She's 19 1/2 weeks, and starting to get red in the face so maybe I'll know in the not too distant future
And once I'm sure my splash AM roo is taking care of business, I want to hatch out some of his babies from my white leghorns. Man imagine a blue egg from a chicken that's bred to lay one almost every day!
I'm going through this anticipation right now, I have a pullet that's an AM rooster over a black australorp hen. Could lay a brown egg, or any shade bluish/green. She's 19 1/2 weeks, and starting to get red in the face so maybe I'll know in the not too distant future

Should be a light green egg layer.
my biggest lavender orpington rooster has come into his own LOL
7 months old, and I never heard him crow til today.

I went over to see who it was, and he was knocking the blue Ameraucana off of one of the hens.
Then he mounted the hen himself, twice in a row

He is definitely the largest rooster in my coop, and I wonder how much bigger he will get!
Should be a light green egg layer.

I believe the true AMs carry a BB (solid blue egg shell gene) for blue eggs. (as verses a Bw = blue egg but with a recessive white egg shell gene hidden in the mix for consideration in future generations) So, if you mix them (AM) with a white shelled gene chicken (with a brown coating) , they will always have a blue shell based egg because the blue gene is dominant. If the breed carries the brown coating, you will have green eggs. The heavier the brown coating, the greener the eggs. EX: Marans have heavy brown coating (on a white shelled egg) X blue egg shell = Olive green) If you mix the AMs (BB) with a white shelled egg breed (that carries no brown coating), all chicks will lay blue eggs, but the next generation will be a mix of colored layers.

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