Question. I may be going out on a limb here. I have a pen of BBS ameraucana's. I am afraid to incubate and my broody isn't really broody, lol!
Would anyone with an incubator be interested in hatching some BBS ameraucanas and maybe a couple white leghorn x ameraucana (SBEL) eggs? Maybe spilt whatever hatches?
where are you ma'am?

and why are you afraid to incubate? do you have a bator?
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I'm just north of Atlanta. I haven't let my roo in the pen. The girls are just started laying. It will probably be a couple weeks before they get it figured out.
I'm just north of Atlanta. I haven't let my roo in the pen. The girls are just started laying. It will probably be a couple weeks before they get it figured out.
you'll be surprised really! LOL I just sold a few of mine, and one of them was a 19 week old leghorn/ameraucana cross rooster that was already crowing and was very 'frisky' with the ladies. Put em together and give em a few days, watch em when you can to see if they're gettin busy, then check a few eggs for the white bullseye

I'm over in cedartown, I have an incubator I'm just getting now starting to save some eggs to hatch, hope to put a dozen at least in it next tuesday, they'll be AMs and crosses between my am rooster with the leghorn and australorp hens
where are you ma'am?

and why are you afraid to incubate? do you have a bator?

I don't have an incubator. Lol! I've been looking at getting an advanced. We have plenty of acreage, but our coop is full. We are getting 15 Marans chicks in the spring. If I had an incubator my husband would divorce me! Lol!
I believe the true AMs carry a BB (solid blue egg shell gene) for blue eggs. (as verses a Bw = blue egg but with a recessive white egg shell gene hidden in the mix for consideration in future generations) So, if you mix them (AM) with a white shelled gene chicken (with a brown coating) , they will always have a blue shell based egg because the blue gene is dominant. If the breed carries the brown coating, you will have green eggs. The heavier the brown coating, the greener the eggs. EX: Marans have heavy brown coating (on a white shelled egg) X blue egg shell = Olive green) If you mix the AMs (BB) with a white shelled egg breed (that carries no brown coating), all chicks will lay blue eggs, but the next generation will be a mix of colored layers.

Hi Flowerbh,
I am so glad that you understand the genetics. I think I understand when I am reading the formulas, but don't think I really comprehend, because as soon as I walk away, I have forgotten the formulas. I am into my family genealogy, and have submitted DNA from different members of the family. Each time I get a report or result, I have to totally learn all over again! Thanks for the help.
I have been know to drive for hours to get chickens etc. Nice road trip for me and DH (darling husband)

Ha Ha, I thought I wouldn't mind driving hours to get chickens, too. But...........it was the drive home that got to me. The forecast was for rain, so I drove my enclosed SUV instead of my pickup truck. Had the crate full of shavings, pdz, etc. My DH was with me, but he's not a chicken lover, and I have yet to hear the last of it. Well, he can stay home next time!

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