my first egg with a pip this morning is an AM! we're on our way
24 out of 25 hatched and were moved to the brooder this morning. The one that failed zipped open ½ inch of the shell and then just gave up. I have some eggs in the other incubator, more coming in the mail and I'll gather more for the next round.

Good luck with yours PapaChaz!

Papachaz, I just watched your video of your coop and run, and you've given me some ideas on how to complete my run. I just rebuilt the coop, had to enlarge it to accommodate the new chicks, but I now have a much better ideal of what to do. Thank you.
Papachaz, I just watched your video of your coop and run, and you've given me some ideas on how to complete my run. I just rebuilt the coop, had to enlarge it to accommodate the new chicks, but I now have a much better ideal of what to do. Thank you.
quite welcome. The one thing I need to do though is go back and add at least another board between the two sides (on the inside) those cattle panels have a LOT of tension pushing the sides out. I'm thinking I'll put a rachet strap or some type of binder in between and pull them together and then add another board inside and notch it to sit on top of the framework that's there now so it will not pull loose.

I've also changed the brooder/quarantine cage to the other end, and enclosed the end of it like a big cabinet at the end of the roosts/poop tray. I added storage shelves above the brooder too. I can get to it now from the end by opening the door. much easier access. I put some pics in last week, but I'm sure those are several pages back now, LOL
First one is OUT! I just happened to walk over and check when it had zipped and managed to video almost all of the hatching! Had to take several small videos due to low battery, but I have them assembled and uploading to my you tube channel. I'll post it up later for anyone who wants to see, it's really cool to watch, especially if you've never seen it before!

Wah, How come it's such a beautiful day and I caught a cold and am all stopped up!!!!! I never get sick! It must have been when I went to Newnan and got around all those tons of people!
First one is OUT! I just happened to walk over and check when it had zipped and managed to video almost all of the hatching! Had to take several small videos due to low battery, but I have them assembled and uploading to my you tube channel. I'll post it up later for anyone who wants to see, it's really cool to watch, especially if you've never seen it before!

Yeeks! So much fun for you! It's it the greatest thing????

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