Dang it!!! I cut the grass in the pasture and one side of the house, made the first loop around the sidewalk and... OUT OF GAS

Mr Carcar "thought" he put enough in it to do all the grass.. Really? Really, did you?

Sounds like my type of day...
Question: How many of you have Poop trays under your roosts? Do they help? Pain in the neck? worth building? Don't the chickens just get in the poop trays and dig? Let me know what kind of experience you all have had with them. Thanks!

Hi Flower,
I have poop trays under my roosts. They are 2' wide x 2" deep. The roosts are 18" above the tray, exactly across the center of the tray. I absolutely think this was one of the best, if not the best idea I have picked up while browsing BYC. I have 8 hens and 1 rooster and it takes me about 10 minutes with a kitty litter scoop and bucket to completely clean the entire tray. I have very seldom seen any tracks in the PDZ, however, but occasionally an egg or 2 has been laid in them. Absolutely no odor ever. I use the deep litter method over epoxied wood floors, sprinkle PDZ and stir around occasionally, and toss mealy worms on the floor for the chickens to keep the litter turned. Never, Never any odor. Probably more information than you needed or wanted, but compared to my other chicken coop, a couple of years ago, it is a pleasure to open the door to this improved method.
Hi Flower,
I have poop trays under my roosts. They are 2' wide x 2" deep. The roosts are 18" above the tray, exactly across the center of the tray. I absolutely think this was one of the best, if not the best idea I have picked up while browsing BYC. I have 8 hens and 1 rooster and it takes me about 10 minutes with a kitty litter scoop and bucket to completely clean the entire tray. I have very seldom seen any tracks in the PDZ, however, but occasionally an egg or 2 has been laid in them. Absolutely no odor ever. I use the deep litter method over epoxied wood floors, sprinkle PDZ and stir around occasionally, and toss mealy worms on the floor for the chickens to keep the litter turned. Never, Never any odor. Probably more information than you needed or wanted, but compared to my other chicken coop, a couple of years ago, it is a pleasure to open the door to this improved method.

Also, Flower, In the beginning I filled the trays with PDZ, and now I only freshen up with extra every 2-3 mos.
Question: How many of you have Poop trays under your roosts? Do they help? Pain in the neck? worth building? Don't the chickens just get in the poop trays and dig? Let me know what kind of experience you all have had with them. Thanks!
Best time saver and cleanest coop if you pick it when they come off the roost. I use PINE PELLET STALL BEDDING on the poop board and the floor of the coop. You can pick it with a large cat liter scoop and smells like fresh pine.

If y'all don't mind, keep my Daddy in your prayers today and this weekend. He has been in remission from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma for some months now, and goes for a scan today as he's having the same original symptoms.. just on the opposite side.


Hope all is alright and all is good with your Daddy, will keep him in our prayers.
Question:  How many of you have Poop trays under your roosts?  Do they help?  Pain in the neck?  worth building?  Don't the chickens just get in the poop trays and dig?  Let me know what kind of experience you all have had with them.  Thanks!
[/quote I have one under my roosts I like it alot every moring I scoop it out with a kitty litter scoop trow the mess into the compost . I put sweet pdz on the bord no smell .
Best time saver and cleanest coop if you pick it when they come off the roost. I use PINE PELLET STALL BEDDING on the poop board and the floor of the coop. You can pick it with a large cat liter scoop and smells like fresh pine.

I really like this especially because I like the little chick room underneath. I've been wanting to do that. Thanks for the photo! I have sent it to DH to look at. Tomorrow we are working on the roosts and inside.

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