Hatching Question: I have 3 chickens I'm hatching eggs from. One is a 1.5 year old Wheaten maran and the other two are an EE and White Leghorn - both from this spring (6 months old). The Maran has started to molt.

The success rate of the maran eggs is terrible compared to the others. Last batch I incubated (a month ago) 10 and got 1 chick. This batch I have 10 maran eggs and only 5 developed (I'm at about 2 weeks in). The leghorn is 4 of 4 and the EE is 8 of 9 (of which all 9 developed - 1 petered out after a week). The Maran has had a great hit rate in the past (90%+ for eggs I incubated).

Question is this: Do the quality of hatching eggs go down when they start to molt? I hatched several eggs from close to 2 year old hens last year (after the molt) - so I know its not just an age thing.

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Alright, confirming we'll be at the auction tomorrow around 3pm. We got there at 3:30 last time because I didn't know about the 2-lane closure on I-20 so I had no time to really ask any questions. You should be able to recognize me with the palest light strawberry blonde 5-year old girl in tow...and, I may be the one with the smallest vehicle...a bit out of place with all the work trucks and vans..lol!
My Ameraucanas co parenting three chicks! So funny!


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