I quit on the trick or treaters several years ago. It got to where Moms would bring packs of kids in cars from outside our neighborhood before it even got dark. I understand that, but sheesh. What stopped us though was the "grown men" showing up that were 6' tall, no sign of a costume carrying Walmart shopping bags looking for free candy. When I say grown men, I'm talking 16, 18 years old, bigger than me. I gave them candy because I didn't want my windows busted out or my vehicles stolen. No more for me.

My DD lives in the Washington DC area. She not only gives out full size candy bars, but she offers small beers, wines, colas and waters for the parents! The parents LOVE going to her house! So appreciated! HA! Can't wait to see how many she gets this year!
I gotcha. I did come across a good pamphlet right after I made that post that told how to guesstimate which chickens would be good layers and not. Something about feeling between here and here, the width between here and here, etc. I think it was from one of the AL or GA extension offices. Good read.
I always heard to feel between the bones if they are ready to lay. and the more space the bigger the egg.
My DD lives in the Washington DC area. She not only gives out full size candy bars, but she offers small beers, wines, colas and waters for the parents! The parents LOVE going to her house! So appreciated! HA! Can't wait to see how many she gets this year!
I hope she takes the donations off on her taxes contributing to happy parenting lol
I tried the incubation thing and it didn't work out for me. Would love to know more about how you get your chicks to hatch in a incubator.
What type of incubator do you use? We have lots of info/experience on hatching, it is all done with temp and humidity. What temp/humidity did you run?
I got one from TS and the temp ran 99.5 to 100 and humidity was correct as well but when i put the egg turner on the temp went up to 120 and humidity stayed at around 86. I could never get the temp and humidity to regulate no matter what i tried. I even shut off the egg turner but that didn't seem to work out either, after messing with it for about a week i quit. lol
I got one from TS and the temp ran 99.5 to 100 and humidity was correct as well but when i put the egg turner on the temp went up to 120 and humidity stayed at around 86. I could never get the temp and humidity to regulate no matter what i tried. I even shut off the egg turner but that didn't seem to work out either, after messing with it for about a week i quit. lol
Did you have another source of monitoring the temp/humidity? Papachaz uses styrofoam bators he would be a good one to ask about it, I have a brinsea and love it. I personally didn't have any luck with styrofoam ones.
I still use a few styrofoams but find that because our household is basically unheated or unairconditioned around the clock, the temps can really swing. and I have had temps really stable and zoom in a hurry although I would usually change a wafer every two hatches. Cabinet is our mainstay I just hate to fire it up for a small hatch and we are so sizing down. Re trick or treaters, I don't miss them. In the subdivision the foot traffic would go from about 5 pm to 11:00 . I would even put up signs that said Our trick or treat is from 6:30 to 8:30 pm and folks would walk all over the lawn and even try to open the gate to go in our back yard... that was it for me. I would run out of everything, all the 20 bags of candy and 20 boxes of outlet cupcakes and the instant grits and instant oatmeal and bags of loose penning. I once asked if anyone wanted ice cream - seriously. ha! Well the tall ones with the bad masks and the "real" machete just were no go for me. And so I opened the door with a frying pan for them and told them to take daddy's yard tools home.... We had buses that came in - really large church busses from about 30 miles away in the subdivision by the name of the bus and where it was from..... We must have been on the list for great food or maybe by the time they went to all the houses, the folks would be ready to go home. Now I sound like a grumbly but I like halloween for kids and for our neighbors kids out here in the country I would make special bags of homemade goodies for them. I even tried to give them a baby chick once, but momma said no:) Well, still waiting on rain. Alabama has declared an out of season no burn, but GA governor has not. Several metro atlanta counties have issued them including Douglas. Time to call the Gov and see what's going on that Alabama got their warning out days ago. Outside at night I can smell leaves burning and that's really so dangerous. We are in code burgundy now which is as bad as it gets. It built in the last three months. I used to vaccuum our wood floors after door opening now I just sweep. Watched documentaries about how folks in dust bowls talked about tasting dirty and being covered in dirt. My mother's parents came back from the dust bowl times after travelling out there hearing there was wonderful land and jobs... Yup lots of dust farms for sale. I hope and pray we don't get to that status. I think the lack of rain is keeping the temps high or is it vice versa? well time to check the cheese cakes........
I still use a few styrofoams but find that because our household is basically unheated or unairconditioned around the clock, the temps can really swing. and I have had temps really stable and zoom in a hurry although I would usually change a wafer every two hatches. Cabinet is our mainstay I just hate to fire it up for a small hatch and we are so sizing down. Re trick or treaters, I don't miss them. In the subdivision the foot traffic would go from about 5 pm to 11:00 . I would even put up signs that said Our trick or treat is from 6:30 to 8:30 pm and folks would walk all over the lawn and even try to open the gate to go in our back yard... that was it for me. I would run out of everything, all the 20 bags of candy and 20 boxes of outlet cupcakes and the instant grits and instant oatmeal and bags of loose penning. I once asked if anyone wanted ice cream - seriously. ha! Well the tall ones with the bad masks and the "real" machete just were no go for me. And so I opened the door with a frying pan for them and told them to take daddy's yard tools home.... We had buses that came in - really large church busses from about 30 miles away in the subdivision by the name of the bus and where it was from..... We must have been on the list for great food or maybe by the time they went to all the houses, the folks would be ready to go home. Now I sound like a grumbly but I like halloween for kids and for our neighbors kids out here in the country I would make special bags of homemade goodies for them. I even tried to give them a baby chick once, but momma said no:) Well, still waiting on rain. Alabama has declared an out of season no burn, but GA governor has not. Several metro atlanta counties have issued them including Douglas. Time to call the Gov and see what's going on that Alabama got their warning out days ago. Outside at night I can smell leaves burning and that's really so dangerous. We are in code burgundy now which is as bad as it gets. It built in the last three months. I used to vaccuum our wood floors after door opening now I just sweep. Watched documentaries about how folks in dust bowls talked about tasting dirty and being covered in dirt. My mother's parents came back from the dust bowl times after travelling out there hearing there was wonderful land and jobs... Yup lots of dust farms for sale. I hope and pray we don't get to that status. I think the lack of rain is keeping the temps high or is it vice versa? well time to check the cheese cakes........
We don't get any TOTers so that is ok with me, live way out there. and yes we need rain. My yard is one big dust bowl and the dust in the house is crazy. We were supposed to have a bonfire sometime last month and doesn't look like it will happen this month either. It is too dry to burn anything that would scare me too smelling the leaves burning. When I water my flowers the water just hits the what used to be grass and little dust clouds puff up and the water just beads on top before it decides to try to sink in, but then underneath is still dry. We have cattle farmers that are having to truck in water and without a second cut we might see some very hungry if not starving animals. I talked to Gam a few weeks back and she said an agency is going out to help find water and drilling new wells for the cattle ranchers. Can't remember who she said was doing it with no charge. I can see the predators getting super active with food being scarce they are going to go for the easy kill. I haven't even put in my winter garden, windows are open crazy goings on.
Speaking of weather....strange weather.....have you guys heard of HAARP? It's our weather machine. It is located in Alaska. Well, actually, there are 8 locations now around the world. It is being used to control the weather and there is lots of talk about weather warfare. The Navy says that they will have total control of the weather in 2017. There are lots of articles about it on the internet. I have been following it for years. Go to You tube and download some of the info. Many think that the hurricane in FL this past month was guided by HAARP. They say they have proof of it. Anyway, everyone should be aware of this. It is not just a conspiracy theory, it is a real thing. Check it out.

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