Sad news. My dog dug a hole under the door of my chicken run big enough for one of the chicks to escape and then he killed it. :(

He mostly ignored the chickens until the chicks were in there, and then only showed passing interest. I'm not sure what changed, but since I've now lost one of my favorite chicks, it's going to get addressed NOW.

What training methods have y'all used with dogs to make them chicken safe? I know it can be done, it might be difficult, but it can be done. Already looking over a forum post on training, but I'd love to hear some more opinions too.

Our Great Pyrenees is totally feathered bird safe. Once they are fully feathered even if they are still peeping she won't touch them. Babies with chick down? We just have to keep them away from her. I have no idea the distinction she makes in her mind but she thinks small down covered chicks are snacks but feathered chicks are for protecting. I have no idea her logic but we haven't been able to break her from it. We just take freshly hatched chicks and raise them in the garage. Or we let the mom raise them in a pen. They can't be raised on the yard though. I don't know about the digging. She digs, but she's never dug into a pen. She basically just digs hobbit holes for herself because she likes to hide underground. Maybe it would be easier to stop the digging than stopping the chick snacking.
Our Great Pyrenees is totally feathered bird safe. Once they are fully feathered even if they are still peeping she won't touch them. Babies with chick down? We just have to keep them away from her. I have no idea the distinction she makes in her mind but she thinks small down covered chicks are snacks but feathered chicks are for protecting. I have no idea her logic but we haven't been able to break her from it. We just take freshly hatched chicks and raise them in the garage. Or we let the mom raise them in a pen. They can't be raised on the yard though. I don't know about the digging. She digs, but she's never dug into a pen. She basically just digs hobbit holes for herself because she likes to hide underground. Maybe it would be easier to stop the digging than stopping the chick snacking.

I sprinkled cayenne and red pepper around the fence as a temporary fix, but I'm looking for a training solution. These were feathered chicks, about 4-6 weeks old.
Sad news. My dog dug a hole under the door of my chicken run big enough for one of the chicks to escape and then he killed it.

He mostly ignored the chickens until the chicks were in there, and then only showed passing interest. I'm not sure what changed, but since I've now lost one of my favorite chicks, it's going to get addressed NOW.

What training methods have y'all used with dogs to make them chicken safe? I know it can be done, it might be difficult, but it can be done. Already looking over a forum post on training, but I'd love to hear some more opinions too.
oh sorry to hear that, he may never go after another chick, I have a dog and she just goes after one of my chickens out of all of them, I just have to keep a close watch and I chased her around the yard with a rake and scared the hell out of her, didn't hit her, just chased her when she went after the bird, guess she saw the crazy chicken lady and now she just looks and if she looks like temptation is just too great I yell NO for me that worked.
Hatch started today. Due date is tomorrow. 14 have hatched and 28 more pipping so far! Will be a long night!

Hatch Update: 50 chicks have hatched so far. 5 more looking good. Looks like I lose some during lockdown. On day 18 they looked good.....never internally pipped. I still cant figure out what I am going wrong. Lost about 10 that way.

Incubator #1

Incubator #2 Those eggs are what didn't hatch.
Sad news. My dog dug a hole under the door of my chicken run big enough for one of the chicks to escape and then he killed it. :(

He mostly ignored the chickens until the chicks were in there, and then only showed passing interest. I'm not sure what changed, but since I've now lost one of my favorite chicks, it's going to get addressed NOW.

What training methods have y'all used with dogs to make them chicken safe? I know it can be done, it might be difficult, but it can be done. Already looking over a forum post on training, but I'd love to hear some more opinions too.
I have been training a new boxer she is a year old , but has not been around chickens before I took her in three weeks ago . First we held one of the chickens and let her sniff them now she is only on a leash around them . This week I have been taking her in the run when I feed them . My bulldog does not even look at them as I get chicks I let her look in the box as I feed and change the bedding she some how knows they belong .
I have been training a new boxer she is a year old , but has not been around chickens before I took her in three weeks ago . First we held one of the chickens and let her sniff them now she is only on a leash around them . This week I have been taking her in the run when I feed them . My bulldog does not even look at them as I get chicks I let her look in the box as I feed and change the bedding she some how knows they belong .

Wish mine figured it out that easy.
They're both hounds and both often catch and kill rats. My older one seems to easily be able to tell the difference between chickens and rats, and will even help me round them up if they get out! But the younger one... I'm sure just thinks HEY ANOTHER SMALL SQUEAKY THING TO KILL!! 8D

I think I'm going to start by muzzling him (just in case) and taking him to do chores with me and see how he acts. I don't wanna loose any more babies, let alone any more that I wanna keep. :(
Hatch Update: 50 chicks have hatched so far. 5 more looking good. Looks like I lose some during lockdown. On day 18 they looked good.....never internally pipped. I still cant figure out what I am going wrong. Lost about 10 that way. Incubator #1 Incubator #2 Those eggs are what didn't hatch.
What kind of chicks do you have? Are you interested in selling just a couple? I have a broody on eggs day 21 and three didn't make it out. So far no chicks at all. I may need a couple to break her!
What kind of chicks do you have? Are you interested in selling just a couple? I have a broody on eggs day 21 and three didn't make it out. So far no chicks at all. I may need a couple to break her!

They are mixes. The parents are purebred, but dads were either my huge Brahma or Lavender Ameraucana. Any chick with the feathered legs are from the Brahma. Some may be frizzled. Some are adorable Naked Necks! I did get a few purebred Lavender Ameraucanas! Yay! These are from eggs before I sold my Lavender Ameraucana pair. I will be keeping those to see what they are. I sell them for $3 each.
They are mixes.  The parents are purebred, but dads were either my huge Brahma or Lavender Ameraucana.  Any chick with the feathered legs are from the Brahma.  Some may be frizzled.  Some are adorable Naked Necks!  I did get a few purebred Lavender Ameraucanas!  Yay!  These are from eggs before I sold my Lavender Ameraucana pair.  I will be keeping those to see what they are.  I sell them for $3 each. 

I do not need more chicks....
I do not need more chicks....
I do not need more chicks....

But I sure do want some! Love all your wild and colorful babies.

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