Waiting patiently for cooler weather.
Queen Henrietta standing on her podium addressing the rest of the flock. Lol i either have a chicken uprising in the works or she's getting on thier tail feathers for laying in the woods. Laying in the woods =time out. Laying in the nesting boxes =free range. QH is just a little brown leghorn, but she keeps everyone in line!!
I'm 2 hrs south of Atlanta. What cha curious about? I might can help

EVERYTHING! Mostly dumb stuff, but that's how my mind wanders. Is the humidity as bad as they say? Do you ever get snow & how often? Are your farmers markets open all year? How come so many properties have HOA's? Are your electric bills extremely high from running AC? I know some of that you probably cant answer, but on a personal level, are you expecting heavy rain & flooding from Florence? How will you keep the animals safe?
(I bet you're sorry you asked.:oops:)
EVERYTHING! Mostly dumb stuff, but that's how my mind wanders. Is the humidity as bad as they say? Do you ever get snow & how often? Are your farmers markets open all year? How come so many properties have HOA's? Are your electric bills extremely high from running AC? I know some of that you probably cant answer, but on a personal level, are you expecting heavy rain & flooding from Florence? How will you keep the animals safe?
(I bet you're sorry you asked.:oops:)
Nope not sorry. Lol the humidity is terrible. I'd say you get used to it, but you don't. My family in South Florida says it's hotter in GA than FL bc the humidity. Snow is rare unless you live in the mountains. Hoa.. Don't have that problem. We have a farm. Electric bills tend to run high for those who aren't conscious. My house is an old farm house. Roughly 1000 scare feet. It's small, but the land makes up for it. I utilize as much natural light as possible and don't wash clothes Btwn 2 and 7. My light bill is usually around 200-250 a month. I know some who have much larger bills. We have a well so we don't have to pay for water like in the city. Depending on where you live, you may or may not have a farmers market year round, but there is always someone who grew enough to share. I'm far enough west, I don't think Flo will phase us much.just some wind and rain
Our birds weathered out the storms last year.

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