I might be a bit biased.. but I think the GA forum group is one of the friendliest online.

I am from Milner... which actually is a mere dot on the map. Basically South of Griffin. What kind of chickens do you have?

Shelly!!! I AM biased....Ga. is the friendliest, nicest group in the world!!!!! I know People on this group that "would give you the shirt off their backs", but in the Summertime, it's probably way too hot to do that...... I have to share a story, Ten Years ago before our farm, my husband and I were on a trip and there was a lady in the group whose luggage had not arrived, She was soo distressed that on day 3 of the trip her luggage had not arrived. I had layered up three shirts on me that day and the outer shirt was given to her and she was so happy to have a clean new shirt. I just took it out of my bag that day (we were on a tour) and handed it to her. She ran on our next break and put it on. I still get notes from her online....... So when you can, give your shirt to someone in need........ I'm not saying I'm superduper person or anything but I'm so amazed that random acts of kindness make such a difference. I shouldn't because I'm still driven to near tears when anyone does something nice. And this group and BYC is supernice. Welcome to the new members. I gotta get back out side and feed and water oh about 400 animals, but I'm not counting....
And no, Shelly, that doesn't count Jacque's collection of up and coming guineas and turkeys.....Anyone need keets or poults????? We got them and also chinese geese - great for garden weeding......Wanta know about full time farming, come for a day or half day or a few hours of on the farm fun and work and learning....We have volunteers and love them! Hubby can tell you tricks about growing vegetables that are not available on line anywhere and i can how you how to rock a rooster!!!!!!!!!! seriously!!!! Have a great day.

PM me if I can ever help you in anyway! Love, Laughter and prayers out to all of you..........Nancy
Good morning GA

I have a flock of LF Black Austrolorps for sale. I have 7 hens they are all a year old and all laying great, I am asking $12.00 a piece, one of the hens is broody and sitting on 10 eggs you may have those as well if you would like. I have 2 Roos both are friendly and mild tempere, I am asking $10.00 a piece for them and I have a 2 month old chick I am asking $6.00 for. I am in Carrollton (west GA) If interested please send me a PM. Thank you!


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Mornin GA folks! Hope yall are well and getting some rain from these short passing spurts!!!

Mandy, Awww, the roo is all grown up!
He looks lovely
Good luck finding a home for your flock! You've obviously taken good care of them, they're beautiful!!! I still miss his funky crow
Shelly, thank you so much for your nice words about my chickens, they have beenw ell loved.

X2- yes he is all grown up and a great flock leader, we have loved him. I hate to part with him but due to some recent health issues I am unable to spend as much time with my chickens as I would like so unfortunately I am having to part with most of them. I am trying to find them a good home where they wont end up on the dinner table.

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