Yolk size in relation to egg size- observation


9 Years
Jul 29, 2010
My chickens started laying in January. First my gold comet started laying and her eggs quickly went from small to medium to large. Then my RIR's and lastly my deleware started to lay. These last three's eggs have stayed medium sized. I've noticed (at least it seems to me) that the yolks are the same size in the large eggs I get from my comet as the ones from the smaller eggs from my other chickens. Is it common for yolk size to be the same in eggs of different sizes. The yolk is my favorite part, so I prefer eating the smaller eggs.
I've seen that too, so I dont think it's in your head! Just from my different RIR's that we've had in the past, smaller sized eggs had the same sized yolk..
My guess is the yolk makes the chick and these all come out roughly the same size...the difference in egg size is breed, and some breeds might use more of the whites to grow.
Yes, that's been my observation, too. We only have bantams, but the yolks in their small eggs are almost as big as the yolks from standard chicken eggs. If you like plenty of yolk, get some bantams!
The yolk is how the growing embryo is fed - so in a sense, the yolk does become the chick - but normally you would think of the white developing into a chick.

A signifiant portion (most of) the yolk is absorbed hours prior to hatching - this is what feed the chicks for the first couple of days while they are trapped under momma hen / inside the incubator / in a box sent through the postal system.

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