You go geese!


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
And goats, to be fair. I went out around dusk to lock up my chickens and heard the geese making their alarm calls. They usually do this when some one walks by so I didn't think anything of it. Until I got up to the fence and saw a ring of geese and goats around the wood pile. The goats were doing their thousand mile stare and the geese had their heads down and wings out just a hissing and honking away. I flashing the light over them and something slender, long and brownish red with a bushy tail went streaking towards the fence line. I think they cornered a fisher! It made me think of the scene from Ice Age with the Dodo birds. Doom on you! Doom on you!
I thought some kind of weasel was responsible for slaughtering my bantams this winter, I may have some confirmation now. Just thought I'd share about my awesomely fearless bird/beasts!
Yay! Go Go Geese Power!

Now if I could get my 2 new adult geese to hiss at something BESIDES me.....
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I just wish they had done this in the winter when it was eating my baby amaracauna's. Of course, watching a goose try to get over a five foot snow drift, the predator would probably have died laughing any how.
Bad thing in your gonna have to either wire in a top or trap him. Suprised he hasn't been hitting you all spring, must have been busy with babies. Better get him before he wipes you out.

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