You know you have gone chicken crazy when you start looking at poop pictures! Yikes!

Do you think I am doing the right things for the girls to keep them healthy- happy and safe?

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In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2015
So my little darlings- five of them. Bigger girls are eight months old and baby girls are about four months old. My concern is as the heat becomes more brutal here in south Texas- how much shade or water do they need? I noticed Peggy (buff ameraucana) had a very dark running tar colored stool. No white. Very disturbing.

I found a thread of chicken poo pictures and started comparing them. Wow lame?! I love these girls too much... But I did not see one exactly like the black tar poo poo. So I got concerned and they hadn't laid eggs for four days :( so I switch from scratch and organic veggies back to the egg layer pellets. We had two eggs today! Looks like Nugget (Dark Cornish) did not lay an egg. They have only been back on the pellets for 24 hours. So maybe not long enough. The babies haven't started laying yet.

They can at times look HOT like they are panting like my puppies. It's very scary because I am so familiar with dog care. Been there done that. But this chicken thing is very challenging. Are they too hot are they too cold? Do they need to be inside in harsh weather? So many questions. I googled a lot of these questions and I still have concerns. They girls have a baby pool so they can get wet at least once a day. They always have plenty of water and food.

They are inside a coop in the backyard. I am way too nervous to let them free range without supervision. There are neighborhood cats and we have hawks that fly around the houses at times. We are not in the country, we just have a moderate sized backyard and are up against a huge fenced in field behind all the houses on our block. So the snakes, raccoons and other critters love the open space and the hawks love the critters.

The girls come out almost everyday under supervision and roam around the yard for an hour or so. But is this enough outside time for them? I wouldn't keep my dog in a cage all day and only let them play for an hour... It seems so mean. But then again the dogs live inside. I also wouldn't want the dogs outside all day in the heat or rain. So should I stop comparing my chickens to dogs??? They are both pets to us. I want them to have a good life.

Any advice on poo, hydration, heat, heck prettying anything would be awesome!!! I'm so thrilled to find this community of like minded chicken lovers!!

Thanks in advance!
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Well welcome to BYC lovely caring lady!
Well you see, chickens, if they have enough heavy shade (not bushes or tree shade) and plenty of cool water they will know how to manage their temperatures that are quite hot for us... Locking them in the coop might heat them up more unless you have a lot of ventilation in it... And yes chickens do pant like dogs do to naturally cool themselves, they also spread their wings for the same reason... Try not to panic and try to calm down and you will know what they need just from looking in their eyes.... If you're concered about egg production get back to layer pellets at once, and give them all the veggies you want with it and the treats you like... I don't think there's a major problem hopefully but maybe from the sudden heat or the food their production is low... For the black poop, well chickens, especially hens produce a variety of "normal" poops, for example they have a brownish/yellowish poop that looks like wet mud or melting ice cream, this is a poop they expell every idk how many hours that is related to egg production of some sort (i totally forgot but there's an article here on BYC that details poop kinds, search for it), wich is very normal...
And in you situation(predators, excruciating heat...) i would recommend building a run wich is well shaded as the best option, for your sake and the hens sake...they will be able to relax more and regulate their body temperature better... And their production is going to increase if they have the free choice of a run ;)
Hope that helped in some ways ( sorry it's 2 am here and im half asleep and I'm on my phone)... Hope some BYC folls will drop by soon... Take care of yourself and the chickies!
Wow! So much great info! Thanks! Most of the girls don't love the pool! They get put in there (very shallow!!) and then they fly out in under a minute.. but Peggy... That girl loves the water... Loves the water. She sits in the baby pool for twenty minutes so relaxed she could fall asleep. :lol:


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