Young broody hen left nest


In the Brooder
Mar 16, 2017
After sitting on her eggs for four days, something got in the nest and broke two of her eggs. At that time she left the nest and I found her sitting on another nest that evening. Not sure how long she had been off the eggs but I'm guessing several hours. A couple of days later she left the eggs for a couple of hours (I think) when I found her again sitting on another nest. She finally seems content and settled, but I am afraid the eggs are not viable. It's been seven days so I candled them today (first time I have ever candled an egg), and I only saw a couple with what looked like veins but not sure if they are alive. I'm wondering if I should get rid of these eggs and start over. But if I do that, will she continue to sit long enough for the new eggs to hatch.
My broodys will generally sit constantly once settled in a nest even if its a secound or 3rd try. But id be sure the nest she chosen isnt the favorite of a higher up lady or that it's protected from the flock so she isn't driven off her nest by others.
The eggs could still be viable, but the only way to tell would be to let her try to sit on them again.
hello @jorton ! welcome to BYC :frow
I have one doing the same sort of thing at the moment, and it's a first time with this behaviour for me too. I am letting her carry on as an experiment in what happens if I let nature take its course with a part-time broody; I don't want to try to break her, and I don't want to risk more eggs with her, so it seemed to me to be the best alternative. Good luck, whatever you decide to do!

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