young duck harrased by drakes--hangs out with chickens


12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Till 3 some months ago we had 4 call ducks--2 males 2 female. They have paired up. April we had a hatch of one female and for a couple of months she and her "parents" hung around very compatibly. Then the other male esp would give her no peace chasing her down to mate. She would just hide out all day. I used to let them free range with the chickens during the day and she would hide in deep grass all day (her wings are not yet clipped so she can fly away) and in the evening come in and then try to hide from the males (both were after her) in a corner of the duck coop. I tried keeping the duck pen closed to keep them from free ranging—then she just hid in the coop. Then I tried just letting her out and keeping the other ducks penned. She now hangs out with our chickens (mixed flock, about 50) and goes in the chicken door at night, sleeps there, comes out and free ranges with the chickens all day. I’d like all the ducks to be together. But she seems to have adjusted. I’m obviously new to the duck world—would appreciate any suggestions.

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