Young goose exhibiting aggressive behavior


Mar 24, 2021
I have a 10 week old gosling that I hatched in an incubator. "She" was the only egg that hatched. "She" has assimilated into my small flock and still has a few gosling feathers.

The last couple of weeks she has become more aggressive. The little love nips have become bites, and she will not let go.

Is it too young for mating behavior? Is it hormones?

"She" grabbed my arm and would not let go the other day when I was trying to rub her chest in a pool of water, flapping her wings wildly. I had a similar thing happen with my dominant male when he was young and not the dominant male at that time.

I believe her father in the Embden that I rehomed because of excessive aggressive behavior during mating season last winter and this spring.

Any thoughts or experience with this situation?
She has always loved attention. She used to ride in my golf cart when doing things around the property. She is much too large for me to pick up and carry now, but she still seems to crave attention. I guess I will find out if she is a male rather than a female!
Please dont hate me but geese understand protocol and flock from they day they are born. Its a big part of there nature. So if baby was allowed to give loving nibbles as a baby she is just doing the same thing. Its so cute when a gosling UN-ties your shoes or nibbles at you feet its really not love its "oh Im getting attention and Im having fun" There so cute but they learn that behavior and it becomes a pattern. If you watch a goose mama in the field they guide there geese tell them what to do and when they should do it will totally protect them.. If they do it wrong she explains that quite well and they learn respect. She is getting them ready for the flock and there future. Most geese do great at that,

We humans just suck right in to the baby fun we want to follow you every were we want to be with you every moment OMG what a special felling we get But a solid child will expect to be spoiled.
So this is were I tell you she/he is normal and not having hormone issues at 10 weeks. But you need to start setting the rules down. Start telling her what to do and what you expect from her you will be fine but the longer you take the more time you will need to reprogram her.
Yes, thank you for the insight. I am not at all offended. I have noticed the other geese, even her bestie, have been gently nipping at her neck. That seems to me to be the way that the geese keep their pecking order in place.

She actually has been better the last few days since I have started to discipline her with a loud, stern No. I have three youngster that I have decided what sex they are, but mother nature may not agree! We are trying to do more planning to get ready for mating season.

I have a male Sebastopol that lost all of his beautiful curly feathers last mating season trying to be the dominant male. He lost sorely to the big Embden (who I rehomed to a more appropriate group of geese). His feathers have grown back and he looks like a beautiful little floating wedding dress when he is in his pool! He also stays clear of the African goose that I bought as a companion to one of the goslings that I incubated.

I noticed your photo. I take it you have an African Goose? I have questions about the breed. Mine has such a different personality from the other geese I have. I do not have a current photo of "him". I am wondering if he may be a breed other than African. He is still only 5 months old.

Thanks again.

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