Young hen acting extremely listless


May 26, 2015
I am a fairly new chicken owner (purchased 6 chickens and 3 ducks on April 18th) and am having problems. Two weeks ago we had a chicken that seemed to have hurt her leg. We couldn't find any wounds, but she couldn't bear any weight on it. We separated her from the others and a few days later she became listless and almost seemed to be having seisures (this was on Sunday, May 24th), so we moved her in to the garage. She would eat and drink, but then it was almost like she would go in to a coma and be out of it for a few hours (when she would, she would kind of turn her head around, almost like an owl, and tuck it up under her) . That Tuesday we started giving her an antibiotic powder mixed in with her water (I'm at work and do not have the name of it, but it is a pale yellow powder) and along with what she would drink, I would give her a couple cc's a day in addition (since I couldn't tell how much she was getting becuase she'd get in to her water container). Beginning around Wednesday, she often felt like she was burning up with a fever. This went on until Thursday when she didn't seem to be alert at all and would occasionally kick around. There was no change Thursdsay night or Friday morning, so we had to put her down.

My initial thought was that it was somehow related to her leg until yesterday when I got home to find another chicken listless. At times it is almost like she doesn't even see you (she wouldn't move out of the way if you walked up to her or if the others came around and if they'd bump her, it was like she almost would lose her balance). I separated her from the others and gave her the antibiotic in her water (she doesn't do well giving the water by syringe). She did eat feed after separating her and she ate grass as well. This morning when I checked on her, she did eat a few bites, but she is still listless and her poop is yellow (which is not what I'm used to seeing). She does not feel warm like she has a fever, but I'm not sure if you can really go by that. I'm really not sure what is going on and not sure the best thing to do for her. I don't want her sick, but I also don't want my others getting sick.

We bought them at a chicken auction and she isn't full grown (best guess would be maybe 4 or 5 months old). We are giving them all laying feed along with veggie leaves (mostly from broccoli, cabage and spinach) as well as some grass/weeds in the yard. At this time, all of our others seem to be doing ok.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
You might want to feed them grower until they start laying eggs. Beyond that... could they have gotten into anything toxic or moldy? Do you use fertilizer or weed killer on your grass/weeds? Where they vaccinated for cocci?

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